HASTINGS is the chief of the cinque ports, a market town, and borough both corporate and parliamentary, having separate jurisdiction, locally in the rape of its name – 62 mile S.E. from London, 71 E. from Chichester, 40 E. from Brighton, and 37 S. from Maidstone (in Kent); situated in a vale, surrounded and sheltered on all sides, save on the south (which is open to the sea), by high hills. The air is pure, and remarkably salubrious; the landscapes vary with every change of position; and the country abounds with walks and rides of surpassing beauty. Some fragments of a wall, by which the town was formerly environed, are still to be seen. On a hill, eastward of the town, are the banks and fosses of an encampment, by some ascribed to the Romans, but by other historians to William the Norman, previous to his memorable battle with Harold. Westward of the town, on the edge of the cliff, are the walls and some other vestiges of a castle of great strength, and formerly of superior importance, erected by the Conqueror in 1067. Within the walls of the castle, the rubbish having been cleared away, were disclosed the remains of the church and conventual buildings of a free college, supposed to have been founded by Henry de Eu, in the reign of Henry I. The church is more than one hundred feet in length; and adjoining it are to be seen the remains of the ancient parish church of Saint Mary-in-the-Castle, with the prebendal buildings attached: the whole of which, forming a deeply interesting mass of ruins, have been enclosed by the Earl of Chichester. Hastings, as the chief of the cinque ports, was in past ages obliged to provide, at forty days’ notice, twenty-one vessels for the king’s service, with provisions, arms and men fit for war, and to maintain them a fortnight at their own charge; if, when that time elapsed, their further service was required, the expense was defrayed by the crown. The harbour, now called the Stade, was formerly a secure anchorage for ships; but in the reign of Elizabeth the pier was destroyed by a storm, and never since been restored; it is in contemplations, however, to construct a harbour off the Stade. Vessels of from fifty to one hundred tons burthen come up here, and are moved up and sown the Stade with surprising celerity. At the west end of the Stade is a fort, which some time back was mounted with twelve-pounders. As a watering place Hastings has long been in high repute, and is rapidly increasing in celebrity. The most excellent accommodations are provided for sea-bathing; the ‘Marne Old Warm Baths,’ and the ‘Pelham Baths,’ are of a superior description; and the libraries, hotels and lodging-houses are in every respect worthy of this fashionable town. Races, established in 1827, and assemblies, concerts and regattas in the season, contribute to the amusement of the sojourner: nothing, indeed, appears to be wanting to promote the comfort and pleasure of the numerous and distinguished visiters to this place. From the ancient charters it is evident that the commerce of this port was in former days of considerable importance; bat at present its principle trade depends upon the fishery – about fifteen hundred barrels of herrings are annually dried and sent to different markets. A foreign trade in butter, cheese, rape, &c. from Rotterdam is carried on; and the duties on the imports have recently been allowed to be received by the officers of the customs at Hastings, who likewise superintend the delivery of all foreign merchandize: this is a great convenience to the merchants, who heretofore had to go to Rye to pay the duties, and bring and officer hither to deliver the goods. Coastwise there is a trade in timber, lime, corn, iron and coal, but not to any great amount. Boat and ship building is prosecuted with some activity, and there are several large breweries. Previous to the operation of the municipal act the government of the town was regulated by a charter granted by James II. The corporation now consists of a mayor, six aldermen and eighteen councillors, under the style of ‘the mayor, jurats and commonalty of the town and port of Hastings, in the county of Sussex:’ the borough, which is divided into two wards, is provided with a commission of the peace, by virtue of which quarter sessions are held for the borough, before the recorder and justices; and a court of record sits, for pleas and debts to any amount, once a fortnight. The elective francise was conferred upon this borough in the 43rd of Edward III; the mayor is the returning officer, and the present representatives are the Right Hon. Joseph Planta and Robert Hollond, Esq. Hastings confers the title of marquess upon the noble family of Rawdon-Hastings. The town comprises the parishes of All Saints and St. Clement, both united in one rectory, of which the Rev. John Goodge Foyster is the present incumbent. The churches, which are constructed of flint and stone, have been both handsome edifices, of considerable antiquity, repeatedly repaired, altered and enlarged. There are two episcopal chapels – one in Pelham-crescent, and elegant structure, erected by the Earl of Chichester; the other at the barrack ground, endowed by Mrs. Millward. A new and very neat baptist chapel has also been recently erected in Wellington-square; and there likewise are places of worship for Wesleyan methodists and independents. Between Hastings and Saint Leonards a Roman Catholic establishment has lately been founded, dedicated to All Souls, the grounds of which occupy nine acres. The charities of Hastings comprise several excellent ones of a scholastic nature, including endowed schools, others upon the national system, and Sunday schools; besides apprenticeship funds; the Magdalene charity for the distribution of alms to the poor, and a dispensary, to which it is intended to add an infirmary. A literary and scientific institution is established here, supported by members of the highest respectability; and there is a mechanics’ institute. A journal, called ‘The Cinque Ports’ Chronicle,’ conducted with acknowledged talent, and enjoying a circulation of considerable extent, is published in Hastings every Saturday morning. A market for butchers’ meat is held under the new town-hall on Wednesdays and Fridays; a new market, for all kinds of provisions, is daily open in George-street; and a butchers’ market, at the same place, on Wednesdays and Saturdays: fish is obtained in abundance daily; and a corn market is held every Saturday, at the ‘Swan’ and ‘Anchor’ inns. The fairs are on Tuesday in Whitsun week, the 26th July and 23rd November; that in July, termed ‘Rock fair,’ is the principal, and is for pedlery, toys, &c. The population of the cinque port of Hastings, amounted, according to the returns at the census of 1831, to 10,097 inhabitants.
POST OFFICE, 4 George-street, HASTINGS, John Woods, Post Master. – Letters from LONDON arrive every morning at twenty minutes before five, and are despatched every night at eight minutes before ten. – Letters from DOVER, &c. arrive every day at half-past twelve, and are despatched every afternoon at a quarter before two. – A penny post to ST. LEONARDS every morning at a quarter before five & afternoon at half-past 1.
IS a beautiful and fashionable watering place, in the borough of Hastings and partaking of its municipal privileges, one mile west of that town – seated in a most healthful and delightful situation, having a southern aspect, and well sheltered from the keen winds of the north. The erection of this elegant little place was commenced in 1828, by the late Mr. J. Burton, of London, an architect of distinguished ability, under whose plans and management the buildings were completed; and it is but just to state, that, for taste, convenience, and beauty of architecture, they are not surpassed by any marine residence of similar size in the kingdom. From the esplanade (which extends to Hastings,) the views are expansive and picturesque – embracing, towards the east, the castle and cliffs of Hastings; to the west, Bexhill, Pevensey, Beachy head and the South Downs; and inland the delightful and interesting vale of St. Leonards. There are numerous handsomely furnished lodging-houses, in charming situations; five superior hotels; together with baths, libraries, reading rooms, public gardens and archery grounds – the entire presenting attractions of no common order. A new church has been completed, for the increasing accommodation of the increasing population, which now exceeds 2,000.
POST OFFICE, Parade, Charles Haywood Southall, Post Master. – Letters from LONDON and all parts arrive every morning at five, and are despatched every night at half-past nine.
Betts Misses, 25 Wellington square
Bird Mrs. Sarah, 31 Wellington square
Bird the Misses, 31 Wellington square
Brisco Wastel, esq. Bohemia
Charlton Thomas, esq. Garden cottage
Crouch Mrs. M. 5 Castle terrace
Crouch Mr. Walter, 94 High st
Davis Rev. William, Holloway place
De Vandes Compte, Marine parade
Druce Mrs. Judith, 3 Wellington sq
Elphinstone Sir Howard, Ore place
Fearon Rev. Devy, Ore rectory
Foyster Rev. J. G. 106 High st
Gill Mrs. Ann, 90 High st
Gordon General Cosmo, Ore villa
Hancock the Misses, 7 Verulam place
Hanney Joseph, esq. 105 High st
Haselwood Rev. F. 7 Croft
Hele Rev. Robert S. 1 Gloucester place
Humphreys John Porter, esq. 2 Croft
Jenkinson Rev. John, 36 Wellington square
Jenkinson the Misses, 22 Wellington square
Kerby Robert, esq. Pelham crescent
Lamb Sir Charles, Beauport
Lushington -, esq. 4 Wellington sq
Mann Lieut. Robert, Marine parade
Mannington John, esq. 93 High st
Maw John Hornby, esq. West hill
Milward Mrs. Sarah, High st
Montgomery Lady -, Beauport
North Frederick, esq. Hastings Lodge
Pearse Rev. William, Fairlight
Phillips Mrs. Mary, 56 George st
Planta Rt. Hon. Jos. M. P. Fairlight pl
Prout Thomas, esq. 57 George st
Rust Rev. Edgar, 1 Cavendish pl
St. Quintin Miss Jane, High st
Samworth Mrs. Ann, Bruckland cottg
Sargent George, esq. 98 High st
Sayer Miss Catherine, George st
Scorer Chs. Winter, esq. 13 York bldgs
Scrivens William, esq, 98 High st
Shadwell Miss Mary, All Saints st
Shadwell Wm. Lucas, esq. All Saints st
Shakespeare -, esq. Fairlight downs
Shorter J. G. esq. High st
Smith Benjamn. Esq. Pelham crescent
Smith Francis, esq. Croft
Stonestreet Rev. G. G. Halton
Wallinger Rev. William, Castle hall
Wallis Wm. Benj. Esq. High Wickham
Whistler Mrs. Mary, 22 High st
Wilson Gloucester, esq. Croft
Wyatt Henry H. esq. Mount Pleasant
Younge Mrs. Rebecca, 10 Verulam pl
Adds Sophia (boarding & day), Fairlight downs
Bond Charles (boarding & day) Castle hill
Bray Sarah (boardg) 2 Wellington sq
BRITISH SCHOOL, Waterloo place – Mary Ann Selden, mistress
Burrows Lydia (preptry.) 117 High st
Carr Robert (day), 45 George st
Clarke Misses (boarding & day), 115 & 116 High st
Hutchinson Charles, 61 George st
INFANTS’ SCHOOL, Cavendish place – Martha Andrew, mistress
Jackson & Dunk Misses (boarding and day), 81 High st
NATIONAL SCHOOLS, East hill – Charles Cockerton, master; Elizabeth Hutchinson, mistress
PARKER’S CHARITY SCHOOL, Waterloo place – George Rubie, master
Peacock George (preparatory), Fairlight downs
SAUNDERS’ ENDOWED SCHOOL, Waterloo place – John Banks, master; Elizabeth Dicker, mistress
White Rebecca (day), Fairlight downs
White William (day), Fairlight downs
Baker Thomas Baker (and clerk of the peace), 80 High st
Bishop Henry, 4 High st
Langham James George, 1 High st
Scrivens William, jun. 113 High st
Shorter & Philips, 86 High st
Shorter John Goldsworthy (& town clerk & coroner), 86 High st
Thatcher Henry, 7 Wellington square
Eaton John, 39 High st
Honiss George, 31 George st
Honis Wm. Henry, York buildings
Millis William, Fish market
Robinson George, High st
Wingfield Henry, 2 White rock place
Allen Thomas, 110 All Saints st
Beck Henry, 3 Russell st
Betts John, Bourne st
Carly George, 49 All Saints st
Carswell William, 56 High st
Clark Robert, 4 Pelham st
Eldridge William, 24 High st
Elphick Cornelius, 67 All Saints st
Elphick John, 97 All Saints st
Gallop John, Fairlight downs
Kent William, Bourne st
Moore Thomas, 8 Stone st
Muggeridge John, John st
Parker William, 127 All Saints st
Polhill Henry, 30 All Saints st
Russell John, 23 George st
Sargent William Walter, John st
Smith John, 51 High st
Standing Thomas, 1 Hill st
Ticehurst Simon, 69 All Saints st
Tutty John, Fairlight downs
Wheeler Edward, 59½ George st
White Austin, 97 All Saints st
Williams Thomas Breeds, 17 George st
Woodhams John, Castle road
Smith, Hilder, Scrivens & Co. High st – (draw on Masterman & Co.)
SAVINGS’ BANK, Town Hall – (open every Saturday from 3 to 4) – William Ticehurst, actuary
Harris Stephen, 12 High st
Household Mark, East Beach st
Page Richard, 71 High st
MARINE OLD WARM BATHS, Marine Parade – Jno. Bayley, jun. manager
PELHAM BATHS, Pelham place – Martha Thatcher, manager
Beaney Thos (& turner) Pelham st
Hills Thomas, Priory
Howell Wm. (& bell hanger) Waterloo place
Huggett William, John st
Lock Thomas (& bell hanger), 90 All Saints st
Long James, Priory
Penfold Hugh, 70 George st
Ranger John, Hill st
Ranger William, West st
Stace John, Fairlight downs
Stace Samuel, West st
Stace William, John st
Arundale William (and print seller), 2 Castle st
Bayley William (and stamp office), 53 High st
Bowmer Edward, 24½ George st
Cooper Joseph, Marine parade
Diplock William, Marine parade
Laver John, 5 George st
Phillips Edward, 16½ George st
Ross & Mann, 6 Castle st
Slade Eleanor, 16½ High st
Turner John, Fish market
Beale William, Fairlight downs
Beeney Henry, Halton fields
Belsey Henry, Bourne st
Belsey James, Pleasant row
Burton William, 29 Russell st
Carey John, Hill st
Cox, John, West Beach st
Dowsett & Son, 30 George st
Dowsett James, Hill st
French Frederick, 13 Castle terrace
Gallop George, 17 Castle st
Gallop Thomas, Albion place
Goldsmith Matthew Jas. Castle st
Guy Mortimer, 60 George st
Jenner Richard, 8 George st
Kenward George, Fairlight downs
Knight George, 72 High st
Martin Edward, 60 High st
Morris William, Stone fields
Reeves John (and currier and leather cutter), 21 George street, and at Tonbridge Wells
Smale James, 3 George st
Smith Benjamin, 19 High st
Smith Joseph, Fish market
Timan James, Court house st
Webb John, Bourne st
White Thomas, 48½ George st
Williams Horatio Nelson, 54 High st
Wingfield Nicholas, 89 High st
Wood Daniel, 14 All Saints st
Burgess John, 44 High st
Penfold Hugh (coppersmith, smith, bell hanger & gas fitter), 70 George st
Breeds Thomas, 61 High st
Burfield James & Charles (& porter merchants), Fish market
Deudney & Hurst, White rock
Fermor & Amoore (Eagle), Courthouse st
Burchill Robert, Stone fields
Coussens John, Bourne st
Hinkley Robert, Bourne st
Judge Joseph, 87 All Saints st
Smith Timothy (ornamental plasterer), Stone fields
Streeter Charles, Ore
Thorne Thomas, Priory
Whiting Thomas, 35 All Saints st
Winter James, Priory
Winter William, Bourne st
Wood William, Winding lane
Banks Peter, 3 York place
Bishop Robert, 28 High st
Crouch John, 1 Castle st
Crouch William, 119 All Saints st
Fisher Edw. (pork), 101 All Saints st
Gausden Henry, Fairlight downs
Kennett Thomas, 84 All Saints st
Putland Henry (pork), 14 George st
Sinden Henry, 42 High st
Thwaites Henry, 3 Commercial road
Thwaites Jeremh. (pork), 21 High st
Vinsett Walter, Stone st
Waghorne John, 49 High st
Waghorne Mercer & Thos. 11 Castle st
Wellerd James, 83 High st
Wellerd William, 61 George st
White George, 108 All Saints st
Beaney Thomas, Priory
Bragge Nathaniel, 103 High st
Eaton John, 39 High st
Eldridge Thomas, 34½ High st
Hall George Thomas, 63 George st
Honiss Wm. Henry, York buildings
Wingfield Henry, 1 George st
Bossom Thomas, 17 Hill st
Bourne Thomas, West st
Clarke & Glazier, All Saints st
Curtis John, Winding lane
Ditch William, Priory
Easton John, 39 Hill st
Easton Joseph, Ore
Edwards & Son, Croft
Harman Benjamin, Providence place
Jones & Glazier, Court house st
Lansdell James, Priory
Lock James, Priory
Lyon Ocean, Barrack ground
Noakes Robert, Priory
Plummer John, 4 Castle Hill
Reeds Jonathan, Priory
Standen William, Hill st
Tree Benjamin, York buildings
Tutt William Bourne, East hill
Winter James, 2 Cavendish terrace
Arundale William, 2 Castle st
Ross & Mann, 6 Castle st & 34 High st
Cox Jas. (& town crier) Wellington ct
Quinnell Charles, East hill
Stanford Edward, 129 All Saints st
Burbridge James F. 43 High st
Morton Hannah, 26 and 27 High st
Mose Jonathan, 58 High st
Nelson Thomas, 2 York place
Tanner John, All Saints st
Amoore Charles, 8 Castle st
Gorringe Walter Elphick, 60 High st
Lea Henry C. 66 High st
Mason William, 58½ High st
Smith Isaac, 40 All Saints st
Stubbs Eli West, 20 George st
Weekes John, 54 High st
Bell Isaac, 37 and 38 All Saints st
Bourner William, 63 All Saints st
Mills Joseph, Market passage
Selden Richard, 46 High st
Strong John, 39 All Saints st
Crisp Edmund, Court house st
Johnson Philip, Stone fields
Rock James, 6 Stratford place and 12 Rathbone place, London
Bayley John, jun. 25 George st
Breeds James & Co. Fish market
Breeds Thomas & Co. 61 High st
Burfield Jas. Charles, Fish market
Deudney & Hurst, White rock
Ginner Wm. (& porter), Winding la
Heathfield Samuel, 15 All Saints st
Strickland Edmund, 64 George st
Eldridge William, 24 High st
Payne William, 11 Pelham place
Style Edmund (& cook), 59 High st
Vickery Chas. (& cook), 16 George st
Wheeler John, 17 High st
Cox James, Bourne st
Foord John, Court house st
Foord Thomas, All Saints st
Moore Charles, 73 High st
Beale David, Fish market
Crippen William (and working jeweller) 31 High st
Foster & Stubberfield, West Beach
Pierce George, 14 High st
Strickland Edmund, 64 George st
Brazier Robert, St. Andrew’s terrace
Button Thomas, Fairlight
Catt Thomas, Sinnock’s cottage
Hole John, Barrack ground
Murdoch David, St Andrew’s terr
Noakes Robert, Fairlight
Standen John, Stone st
Fuller Edmund, 3 Verulam place
Pam Albert, Oak house, High st
Smith Isaac, 40 All Saints st
Weekes John, 54 George st
Fox George (& calenderer) East hill
Tucker William, 13 High st
Hyland Ann, 29 George st
Wimble John, Bourne st
Secra John, 42½ High st
Duke Samuel, 76 High st
GUARDIAN, Henry Thwaites, 121 All Saints street
INDEPENDENT AND WEST MIDDLESEX, Jno. Geo. Glandfield, George st
KENT, William Ginner, Winding la
LICENSED VICTUALLERS’ AND GENERAL (fire & life), William Henry Honis, York buildings
NORWICH UNION, George & Arthur Jackson, 62 High st
PHŒNIX (fire) and PELICAN (life), John Bayley, jun. 25 George st
ROYAL EXCHANGE, William Scrivens, 113 High st
SUN, Henry Bishop, High st
UNION, John Laver, 5 George st
Baldock Richard, Fish market
Breach & Son, Commercial road
Mills & Son, West Beach st
Tassell Margaret, East street
Akehurst William, Wellington mews
Emary James, Wellington square
Emary Thomas, Marine parade
Heath William, Marine mews
Hutchings & Heathfield, Hill st
Kirby William, Denmark place
Williams Thomas, Wellington mews
Baker Charles, 37 High st
Crouch George, 12 Castle st
Golding Jospeh, 42½High st
Guy Ann, 60 George st
Mills John, 7 & 8 Pelham arcade
Mills John, 15 High st
Osborne Thomas, 32 George st
Pollard William, 20 High st
Sinden Stephen, Post office passage
Standen Samuel, Castle road
Wheeler Edward, 59½ George st
Fuller Thomas, Windsor lane
Norman William, All Saints st
Reeves William, Court house st
(See also Shopkeepers; and also Tea Dealers.)
Amoore Alfred, 7 Castle st
Amoore Joseph & Geo. 57 High st
Baker William, 48 High st
Blackman Eliz. & Son, Halton fields
Brasier James, Fairlight downs
Breeds Thomas & Co. (wholesale) 61 High st
Burbridge James Frederick, 43 High st
Day Peter, York buildings
Dunk Henry, 45 High st
Dunk Henry & Co. 9 Castle st
Eaton John, 1 Pelham st
Ellis William, 47 High st
Gallop Henry, Barrack ground
Gallop John, Fairlight downs
Grant Thomas, 16 High st
Hickes Thomas (and British wines) 33 High st
Jeudwine Charles, 117 All Saints st
Kennard Charles, 11 High st
Slatter George, 9 George st
Smale James, 3 George st
Thwaites Henry, 121 All Saints st
Tolhurst Thomas, 7 Stratford place
White Thomas, jun. 41 George st
Bell Isaac, 37 &38 All Saints st
Breeds Boykett, Commercial road
Hill William (and umbrella maker) 77 High street
Lott John, 53 George st
Strong John, 39 All Saints st
Tyhurst & Son, Bourne st
Albion, Thomas Reeve Emary, Marine parade
Castle, James Emary, Wellington sq
Marine, Charles Pope Hutchings, Pelham place
Royal Oak (commercial), William Lawrence Yates, Castle st
Sea side Hotel, John Eastland, Stratford place
Swan, George Robinson, High st
Burgess John, 44 High st
Penfold Hugh (to Her Majesty, & manufacturer of Bare’s patent fountain pump), 68, 69 & 70 George st
Clement & Hoad, High st
Emary James, Wellington square
Heath William, Pelham mews
Hutchings & Co. Marine parade
Arundale William, 2 Castle st
Cooper Joseph, Marine parade
Diplock William, Marine parade
Laver John, 5 George st
Pearce Thomas, 10 Pelham place
Phillips Edward, 16½ George st
Bell Isaac, 37 & 38 All Saints st
Bennet Geo. (& woollen), 41 High st
Clement & Inskipp (and woollen), 24 George st
Cloke Moses, 15 Pelham crescent
Corke William Olly, 58 High st
Green Charlotte (and child bed linen warehouse), 28 George st
Hogsflesh Charles, 43 George st
Jackson George & Arthur (and undertakers), 62 High st
Pittock William, 8 Breeds place
Strong John, 39 All Saints st
Styles Richard, 1 Wellington place
Willsher David (& woollen) 32 High st
Emary James, Priory
Heath William, Pelham mews
Yates Wm. Laurence, Pelham mews
Glandfield John George (& registrar of births and deaths), 18 George st
Standen William, Pelham arcade
Burt William, Market
Golding Joseph, 42½ High st
Lavenden Charles, Market
Morley William, Wellington gardens
Weston Thomas, 118 High st
Wood William, 107 High st
Bayley John, jun. George st
Breeds James & Co. Fish market
Breeds Thomas & Co. 61 High st
Burfield James & Chas. Fish market
Penfold Hugh, 70 George st
Beale David, Fish market
Beale William, Fairlight downs
Carswell William (& bone crusher), 56 High st
Cristford William, Fairlight downs
Hembray Thomas, Fairlight downs
Richardson Thomas, Guestling
Williams Thos. Breeds, 17 George st
Allen Kezia, 110 All Saints st
Cannons & Giles, Castle terrace
Day Elizabeth, 89 High st
Fermor Caroline & Emily, 8 Castle st
Fox Catherine, 52 High st
Heath Ann S. 13 Castle st
Honiss Mrs. Jas. 6 White rock place
Honiss Louisa, 4 York place
Lock Sarah, 80 All Saints st
Lulham Ann, 25 All Saints st
Ross Mary, Pelham place
Soane Louisa, 15 George st
Tooth Frances, 4 Castle st
CINQUE PORTS’ CHRONICLE (published every Saturday), Charles Bond, proprietor, 42 George st
Buchanan Jas (& florist), London rd
Wood William, High st
Baker Charles, High st
Bolingbroke Chasles Wm, 1 Stone st
Bossom Benjamin, 67 High st
Brown Joseph, 88 High st
Coussens Daniel, All Saints st
Elliott Thomas, 5 High st
Honis George (house, sign, &c. painter), 31 George st
Inskipp John, 49 George st
Neve Charles, 4 Stratford place
Phillips John, 99 All Saints st
Picknell Edward, 15 & 19 Castle st
Poole George, Hill st
Price Henry, 24 St. Andrew’s terrace
Smith John, 66 George st
Vidler Alfred, Castle road
Wood, William, Winding lane
Buchanan Norman, 7 George st
Chatfield Alfred, West beach
Gallop James, 7 Castle st
Shirley Abel, 40 George st
Smith William, High st
Batty Richard, Fairlight
Cooke William, 4 York buildings
Duke William, 18 Wellington square
Harkness John, Ivy cottage, Ore
Mac Cabe Francis Peter, 43 Wellington square
Wilmot Robert Montague (senior physician to the dispensary)
Kent James, 10 George st
Osborne George, 11 George st
Phipps James, 12 George st
Sargent Spencer, Market
Osborne Henry (and copper-plate printer), 55 George st
Pollard Wm. (bookbinder), 20 High st
Ransom William, 42 George st
Gubbins John (music), 7 Castle st
Hart Jos. (music and music seller and piano forte hirer), 2 Wellington pl
Stace Frances (languages), East hill
Watson William (private tutor), 1 Verulam place
Wood William (music), All Saints
Cohen ELizbth. Holland, 10 Castle st
Cooper Joseph, Marine parade
Diplock William, Marine parade
Morris Edward (and Tonbridge ware manufacturer), 47 George st
Murray John (and working jeweller), 9 Pelham place
Ross & Mann (of arts), 6 Castle st
Woods John (Tonbridge ware), 4 George st
Emary James, Wellington square
Hoad John & Frederick, Swan coach office, High st, and South Saxon Hotel, St. Leonards
Bayley John, jun. 25 George st
Breeds James & Co. Fish market
Nabbs William, John st
Pain William, 50 High st
Philcox Samuel, 67 George st
Springett Robert, 5 Castle st
Bayley John, jun. 25 George st
Breeds James, 4 Commercial road
Breeds Thomas & Co. 61 High st
Burfield James & Chas. Fish market
Gallop John, Winding lane
Kent Philip & Stephen, East beach
Ransom & Ridley, Castle st
Thwaites & Winter, Castle st
Bevins John, Hill st
Breach John, Bourne st
Button Thomas, Ore
Eastland Arthur, 137 All Saints st
Foord Thomas, All Saints st
Hadden John, 118 All Saints st
Jones Sarah, Barrack ground
Monday Mary, 6 Stone st
Nash James, 106 All Saints st
Noakes Thomas, St. Mary’s terrace
Palk Ann, Wellington court
Phillips George, 33 All Saints st
Poole Ann 103 All Saints st
Selden Richard, 46 High st
Stewart Mary Ann, All Saints st
Thwaites Stephen, John st
White Austin, 102 All Saints st
White Thomas, All Saints st
Wolgar William, Bourne st
Arundale William (and music seller), 2 Castle st
Bryant Sarah, 84 High st
Holt Thomas, 3 White rock place
Judge Joseph, 87 All Saints st
Osbourne Henry, 55 George st
Pearce Thomas, 10 Pelham place
Ransom William, 42 George st
Weston Robert, 55 High st
Daniell Sarah, 89 High st
Howse & Venson, 82 High st
Poile Sarah, 45 George st
Russell Ann, 6 Pelham arcade
Coe & Beale, Priory
Putland James (and brick maker), Barrack ground
Vennall Henry, Stone field
Vidler Major, 40A High st
Winter George, Isabella cottages
Carr Jane, 45 George st
Fermor Carolione & Emily, 8 Castle st
Foord Elizabeth, 61 George st
Fox Catherine, 52 High st
Ives Hanna, York gardens
Payne Mrs. -, George st
Phillips & Sargent, Marine parade
Pollard Louisa, Court house st
Tooth Frances, 4 Castle st
Duke Walter, 46 George st
Duke William, George st
Dutton James, 40 Hig st
Ranger Joseph, 97 High st
Ranking Robert, 79 High st
Savery John, 12 York buildings
Ticehurst Frederick, 70 Hig st
Wall Abiather Brown, 52½ High st
Barrow Nelson, 6 George st
Catley Thomas, London road
Inskipp Frederick Chas. (& registrar of births & deaths) Barrack ground
Vidler Major, 15 St. Andrew’s terrace
Marked thus * are also Drapers.
Bevins John, Hill st
Clement & Inskipp, 24 George st
Craig James, Fish market
Crisford William, 122 All Saints st
*Duke & Son (and habit makers), 74 & 75 High st
*Foster Thomas, 71 George st
Hallows John, Fish market
Harman George, 131 All Saints st
Hazle Robert, 4 White rock place
*Lansdell Alfred, 3 Castle st
*Lock Charles (& hatter) 36 High st
Lock James, 5 High st
Phillips Edward, 16½ George st
Russell William, West st
*Standen & Forrest, 68 High st
Stanley Charles, Castle road
Tanner John, All Saints st
*Traa William, 35 High st
Tutt Richard, 8 Pleasant row
Tyhurst & Son, Bourne st
Walder Edward, Court house st
*Weeks Thomas, 6 Castle st
*Wenham James, Pleasant row
Anchor, Thomas Daniel, 13 George st
Angel, Henry Morley, Longfields
Cinque Port Arms, George Reeves, 105 All Saints st
Crown, James Hart, 65 All Saints st
Cutter, James Oakley, West beach
Fortune of War, William Stonestreet, Ore
George, Henry Wood, 120 All Saints st
Hare and Hounds, Gabriel Daniel, Fairlight downs
Hastings Arms, Richard Harman, 2 George st
Hope, William Winter, Halton fields
Jolly Fisherman, James Mann, East beach st
King’s Head, Thomas Baker, Fairlight
King’s Head, William Smith, Courthouse st
Lion, Charles Wm. Bolingbroke, 1 Stone st
Lord Nelson, Geo. Wingfield, Eastbourne st
Old Ship, John Coussins, Bourne st
Pelham Arms, Richd. Chandler, 5 Pelham st
Pilot, William Nabbs, Stone st
Queen’s Head, John Tree, Fish market
Shipwrights’ Arms, John Gallop, Priory
Stag, Samuel Heathfield, 15 All Saints st
Star, Thomas Morris, High st
Star in the East, William Gallop, East cliff
Abbott Sophia, 33 West st
Broadbridge James, Castle terrace
Golson William, High st
Pitter Joseph (& curiosity dealer), 51 High st
Tanner John, All Saints st
West Thomas, 18 George st
Wood Abraham, 72½ High st
Bayley John, jun. 25 High st
Breeds James & Co. Fish market
Breeds Thomas & Co. 61 High st
Jenkins & Cadd, Stone fields
Ransom & Ridley, Priory
Bryant Sarah, 84 High st
Holt Thomas, 3 White rock place
Standen William, Pelham arcade
Bayley William, 53 High st
Roe Mary, Marine parade
Truluck Thomas, 82 High st
Weaver James, Castle st
Weaver James, jun. 61 George st
Jones William, Bourne st
Stace & Son, Fairlight
Cogger Thomas (& silversmith), 52 George st
Cohen Isaac, 10 Castle st
Heizman Geo. (German clock), 108 High st
Job Joseph, 30 High st
Sarles Henry (and working jeweller and optician), 22 George st
Tyrell Henry, 18 Castle st
Weston Robert (& jeweller) 55 High st
Ball James, Albon place
Ball William, Priory
Philcox Godfrey, Ore
Selden Richard, Fairlight downs
Brown Thomas, Pelham arcade West, and at St Leonards
Cooper Charles, 5 Pelham place
Mott Charles Frederick & Co. 10 Pelham place
Slatter George, 8 George st
Tonge & Co. 5 Pelham place
Williams Horatio Nelson, 1 George st
Adams Thomas, tanner, East cliff
Amoore Jospeh and George, tallow chandlers, 47 High st
ANTI-DRY ROT STATION, Stone fields – Jenkins & Cadd, agents
Bisenden Thomas, labidary, 2 Cobourg cottages
Brook James, gun maker, 3 High street
Day James, wine agentm 89 High st
Fleurie & Bleard, egg & poultry merchants, 62 George st
Houghton Thomas, pawnbroker, 95 All Saints st
Johnson Jemima, furrier, East hill
Moon Robert, tripe dresser, 91 All Saints st
Johnson Jemima, furrier, East hill
Moon Robert, tripe dresser, 91 All Saints st
Moor John Benjamin, cutler and jeweller, 2 & 3 Pelham place
Oliver Elizabeth, shell dealer, Marine parade
Phillips Thomas, marker at billiard rooms, West st
Pickett Stephen, clog & patten maker, 26 All Saints st
Smale James, registrar of marriages, 3 George st
Thwaites John, block maker, Castle st
Turner Jesse, sawyer, Marine parade
Tydeman Edmund, proprietor of billiard rooms, Castle st
Watkinson Joseph, tobacco-pipe maker, Bourne st
Wingfield George, sail maker, Bourne st
Public Buildings, Offices, &c.
BILLIARD ROOMS, near Cooper’s library, West st, and Castle st
CUSTOM HOUSE, High st – Daniel Gill, esq. collector and landing surveyor; Soloman Bevill, comptroller, tide surveyor and landing waiter
DISPENSARY, High st – Albert Pam, dispenser
GAOL, Bourne st – George Colbran, keeper
GAS WORKS, Winding lane – William Ginner, secretary
GOVERNMENT HOUSE, Marine parade – Lieut. Robert Mann, resident
LITERARY INSTITUTION, George street – John Phillips, esq. honorary secretary
LOAN SOCIETY, Town hall – Charles Grensides, esq. honorary secretary
MARKET, George st – William Richardson, clerk
MECHANICS’ INSTITUTION, High street – Banks & Holloway, honorary secretaries
OFFICE FOR ADJUSTING WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, Town hall – John Pollard Crough, inspector
POLICE STATION, Town hall – John Campbell, superintendent
TOWN HALL, High st – George Colbran, keeper
WATER WORKS – Stephen Welfare Sinnock, secretary, Cottage
WORKHOUSE, Ore – John Harman, governor
To LONDON, the Royal Mail, from the White Coach office, George st, & Emary’s office, Castle st, every night at ten; goes through Tonbridge Wells, &c.- the Regulator, from Emary’s office, Castle st, every morning at nine, and the Paragon at ten.
To LONDON, the Express, from Risby’s office, Castle st, and the White office, George st, every morning at nine, and the Despatch at half-past ten – and the Royal Saxon, from Standon’s office, Pelham arcade, and Hutchings’ office, Castle st, every morning at a quarter before ten; go through Lamberhurst, Tonbridge Seven Oaks, &c.
To BRIGHTON, the Hero, from Glandfield’s office and Emary’s office, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at ten; goes through Eastbourne and Lewes – the Wonder, from the Swan, High st, and Waters’ office, Castle st, and the Magnet, from the Marine and Royal Oak Hotels, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at ten; both go through Battle, &c.
To DOVER, the Reliance, from Emary’s office, Glandfield’s office, and the Swan, High st, every morning at nine.
To MAIDSTONE, the Liberty, from Emary & Hoad’s office, Fish market, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at a quarter before nine.
VANS, &c.
For Passengers and Goods.
To LONDON, the Royal Blue Van, from the Fish market, every afternoon at three.
To BRIGHTON and LEWES, Elgar & CO.’s Omnibus, from the Fish market, every morning at nine.
To DOVER, Kadwell’s Van, from the Fish market, every morning at eight; goes thro’ Rye, Tenterden, Ashford, &c.
To LONDON, - Richardson’s Waggon, from Glandfield’s office, George st, every Wednesday & Saturday afternoon at two.
To BATTLE, - Reynolds, daily – and – Palmer, daily (Thursday excepted.)
To BECKLEY, - Fairball, every Monday and Thursday.
To BEXHILL, - Gander, every Thursday.
To EASTBOURNE, - Gasson, from the Fish market, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
To EWHURST, - Watson, every Monday and Friday.
To GUESTLING and FAIRLIGHT, James Burt, daily.
To HAILSHAM, James Hoad, every Wednesday and Saturday.
To NORTHIAM, - Gurrs, every Tuesday and Saturday.
To PETT & GUESTLING, Hills & Catt, every Wednesday and Saturday.
To ROBERTSBRIDGE, George Olive, every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday.
To LONDON, the St. Leonard, James Lingham, master, & the Sussex, Thos. Fisher, master, weekly, to Cotton’s wharf, Tooley street – John Bayley, jun. agent, 25 George st.
To LONDON, the Phœnix, Captain Betts, and the William Pitt, Captain Waters, weekly, to Fenning’s wharf – James & Charles Burfield, agents, Fish market.
To LONDON, the Milward, Captain Whiote, and the James, Captain Phillips, weekly, to Griffin’s wharf, Tooley st – Thomas Breeds & Co. agents, 61 High st.
Allen, Rev. Edward, 66 Marina
Bland Michael, esq. East ascent
Bond Mrs. -, 3 Maze hill
Brown William Hugh, esq. 52 Marina
Burton Alfred, esq. 36 Marina
Burton, William, esq. South lodge
Deudney Miss -, 3 West ascent
Dynely Miss -, North cottage
Foster Ralph, esq. 2 East ascent
Gage Lady -, 37 Marina
Grant Colonel -, 9 Maze hill
Holland Robert, esq. M. P. Aligria
Hull William, esq. 11 Maze hill
Jeffries Joseph, esq. 13 Under cliff
Lesley Rev. Charles, 7 Maze hill
Lubbock Dowager Lady, 52 Marina
Mather Mrs. -, 5 Maze hill
Morley the Misses Maria and Elize, 3 Marina
Troup James, esq. Warrior square
Wood Thomas, esq. North lodge
Edgar Ann (boarding and day), 55 Marina
INFANTS’ SCHOOL, East ascent – Ann Cane, mistress
NATIONAL SCHOOL, East ascent – John Barnes, master; Sarah Bulley, mistress
Phillips Laura (preparatory), West hill
Smith Augustus (boarding and day), West hill
Beck Joseph, 4 London road
Beck William, 6 East ascent
Levett Charles V. 3 Mercatoria
Sinden & Hayward, 13 East ascent
Williams Thomas Breeds, 5 South colonnade
Smith, Hilder & Co. (Branch), Marina parade – (draw on Masterman & Co.) – Chas. Haywood Southall, agt
Southall Charles Haywood (& print and music seller & library), Marina parade
Cork John, 5 Norman road
Ford William, 15 East ascent
Philpot John, 38 Marina
Sharp John, New market
Burgess Thomas, East ascent
Scott John, Under cliff
Thorne Thomas, Under cliff
Parks Newton, 4 South colonnade
Waghorne Edwd. 10 South colonnade
Bragg Nathaniel, Warrior’s gate
Carey John, 8 East ascent
Drury James, 8 South colonnade
Smith James, 2 London road
How Thomas, Mercatoria
Jarret Felix, Mews road
Tree Benjamin, London road
Voysey George, Warrior’s gate
Murton George Ansell, 36 Marina
Smith Broome Pinniger, 12 South colonnade
Deudney Charles & Robert (& ship agents), 43 Marina
Kayne James (and timber), Norman road West
Putland Stephen, London road
Renolds Ann, 37 Marina
Southall Charles Haywood, Marina parade
Baldock & Breach, Under cliff
Price Thomas, 7 South colonnade
Osborne Thomas, 6 Grand parade
Reeves Thomas, New market
Walter Alexander, 6 South colonnade
Beck James (and cheesemonger and oilman), 44 Marina
Chester Samuel, 12 East ascent
Stubberfield Stephen (and cheesemonger), 5 London road
Viner George, 2 South colonnade
Shirley Abel, 37 Marina
Tuppen William, New market
Conqueror Hotel, Sarah Johnson, Marina
Harold Hotel, John Dovey, 21 & 22 Marina
Royal Victoria & St. Leonards Hotel, William Chamberlin, Marina,
South Saxon Hotel, Henry Peter Hutchings, Marina parade
Tivoli Hotel, William Matthew Edlin, Tivoli
Beck Henry, 13 South colonnade
Scott Mary, Norman road west
Baker Edgar, St. Leonards green
Williams Thomas Breeds, 5 South colonnade
Mitchell Henry, Norman road
Neve Chas. 6 Norman road
Wellsted & Chandler, 3 South colonnade
Mann James (and ironmonger), 7 East ascent
Marchant Jesse, St. Leonards green
Noakes Stanton, Bopeep
Ranger William, London road
Homan James, Under cliff
Scott John, Under cliff
Reed Sarah, 115 Marina
Slough Sarah, 17 East ascent
Harwood John, M. D. West villa
Jones George, 2 Warrior square
Smith Broome Pinniger, 12 South colonnade
Inskipp Walter, London road
Putland Stephen, London road
Anchor, Thomas Cooper, Mews passage
Fountain, Charles Vine, Bopeep
Horse & Groom, Henry Wheeler, Mercatoria
New England Bank, William Payne, Bopeep
Warrior’s Gate. Stephen Pilcher, Warrior’s gate
Lamb Richard, St. Leonards green
Payne William, Bopeep
Brown Thomas, 14 South colonnade, and at Hastings.
Chamberlin William, Marina
Burton Messrs. House agents, South lodge
Evenden John, brewer, Shepherd st
Hoad John & Frederick, riding masters, South Saxon Hotel, and at Hastings.
Job Jos. watch maker, 8 South colonnade
Mitchell George, auctioneer & appraiser, Grand parade
Pain Charles, veterinary surgeon, Guestling
Peerless John, china, glass, &c. dealer, 42 Marina
Philpot Mary, milliner, 38 Marina
ROYAL BATHS, Marina – Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, attendants
Russell William, tailor, 15 East ascent
Segrave John, eating house, Mercatoria
Siems Jacob William, confectioner, Parade
Skinner William, brick maker, Bopeep
To LONDON, the Royal Mail, from the different Hotels, every night at half-past nine – the Express, from the Victoria, and the Regulator, from the Conqueror Hotel, every morning at hald-past eight – and the Royal Paragon, from the Conqueror, every morning at nine.
To BRIGHTON, the Magnet, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at a quarter past ten – the Hero, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning at ten - & Elgar & Co’s Van, every morning at a quarter past nine.
To DOVER, the Reliance, from the Conqueror, every morning at half-past eight; goes through Rye, Romney, Hythe and Folkestone.
19/06/2006 | Transcribed by Mark Collins; Transcription © Mark Collins |