Post Office Directory 1851, Elsted, West Sussex

Elsted is 5 miles south-west from Midhurst, in Dumpford hundred, rape of Chichester; it contains 1,790 acres; population, in 1831, 174, and in 1841, 212. The church is partly in the Norman style of architecture; patron, the Hon. Mrs Harcourt; the living is a rectory, value £187 per annum, and the incumbent is the Rev. W. Downes Willis. The Income Tax assessment is £1,344.

Letters received through Petersfield.

Willis Rev. William Downes
Collins James, “Three Horse Shoes”
Gadd George, farmer
Matthews John, farmer

Aylwin Robert, farmer
Carpenter John, farmer
Challen Benjamin, farmer

Aylwin William, farmer
Goodeve Thomas, farmer


Transcribed by Stacey Gardner

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