Browse the SAC article index in the Sussex OPC database (3245 records)
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122, 198455Earlier First Millennium Pottery from the Excavations at Hollingbury Camp, Sussex, 1967 - 1969SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
135, 199771Knapp Farm, Bosham: a significant Find of Bronze Age PotterySAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
136, 199823Using elderly data bases: Iron Age Pit Deposits at the Caburn, East Sussex, and Related SitesSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
137, 19997Marking time and making space: Excavations and Landscape Studies at the Caburn Hillfort, East Sussex, 1996 - 98IntroductionMagnifying glass image
137, 199915Marking time and making space: Excavations and Landscape Studies at the Caburn Hillfort, East Sussex, 1996 - 98. The Ranscombe RidgeChapterMagnifying glass image
137, 199917Marking time and making space: Excavations and Landscape Studies at the Caburn Hillfort, East Sussex, 1996 - 98. Using the Finds: The Caburn ArchiveChapterMagnifying glass image
137, 199935Marking time and making space: Excavations and Landscape Studies at the Caburn Hillfort, East Sussex, 1996 - 98. Conclusion: The Caburn - from Sacred to profane?ChapterMagnifying glass image
138, 200057Updating the Sussex Iron AgeSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image

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