Browse the SAC article index in the Sussex OPC database (3245 records)
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122, 1984219Plumpton Roman Villa (TQ 360147), a Cursory NoteArchaeological noteMagnifying glass image
123, 1985261Southease Church (TQ 423053)Archaeological noteMagnifying glass image
124, 1986252A Possible Barrow at Lewes. TQ 40791047Archaeological noteMagnifying glass image
133, 199519The Prehistoric land-use and human ecology of the Malling-Caburn Downs: two Late Neolithic/early Bronze Age sites beneath Colluvial SequencesSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
142, 20047Tree trunks, Bronze Age remains and an ancient channel exposed on the foreshore at Bognor Regis, West SussexSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
143, 20057Beaker occupation and development of the downland landscape at Ashcombe Bottom, near Lewes, East SussexSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
143, 200535Beaker and Early Bronze Age activity, and a possible Beaker valley entrenchment, in Cuckoo Bottom, near Lewes, East SussexSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
145, 20070Prehistoric and medieval environment of Old Town, Eastbourne: studies of hillwash in the Bourne Valley, Star Brewery SiteSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
145, 20070Prehistoric and medieval environment of Old Town, Eastbourne: studies of hillwash in the Bourne Valley, Star Brewery SiteSupplementMagnifying glass image

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