Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St George30 May 1678PoynetRichardColemanMaryMagnifying glass image
St George29 Jan 1700WellsJohnColemanMaryMagnifying glass image
St George07 Sep 1862YieldingCharlesColemanAnnMagnifying glass image
St George08 Sep 1724BennetThomasColegateMaryMagnifying glass image
St George31 Dec 1881FoardAlbert CrittallCockettAnnieMagnifying glass image
St George12 Sep 1782EversfieldCharlesClokeElizabethMagnifying glass image
St George26 Dec 1717EdwardsJohnChristmassSusannahMagnifying glass image
St George04 Jan 1808GowerThomasChealeCharlotteMagnifying glass image
St George09 Nov 1808DaleThomasChealeMaryMagnifying glass image
St George22 Oct 1691HouslyJohnChapmanElizabethMagnifying glass image
St George19 Oct 1818BeneyHenryCattSarahMagnifying glass image
St George27 Dec 1745DannWilliamCarleyElizabethMagnifying glass image
St George22 Apr 1680MartweekeJamesCarickeElizabethMagnifying glass image
St George15 Feb 1685SaundersRobertCarickeAnneMagnifying glass image
St George16 Apr 1864SkinnerWalter BoothCairnsIsabellaMagnifying glass image
St George30 Sep 1761CrowhurstWilliamByneElizabethMagnifying glass image

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