Monumental Inscription Detail


St Mary the Virgin, Willingdon

Location: High on South wall of Ratton Chapel.


Near this place lies interred the body of
Ann Barnham widow
sixth daughter of Sir Thomas Parker
Of Ratton in Sussex Knight
She first married John Shirley Esq
of Isfield in the same county
After whose death she continued as widow
ten years
Then she married Francis
The son of Sir Robert Barnham
of Boughton in county of Kent Bart
whom she survived thirty five years
She was a most generous nature
and affable temper
Bountiful and Hospitable to her Neighbours
Very tender and kind to all her relations
Exceedingly Charitable to ye Poor
For these and for many other Excellent instincts
she was highly esteemed and honoured
by all who knew her
She died at Isleworth in the county of Middlesex
in her seventieth year of her age
Richard Parker her Nephew & Executor
In honour of her memory Erected
This memorial

Monument details:

Type: Internal Monument.

Monument Condition: Excellent.

Inscription Condition: Excellent.

Person commemorated (or mentioned):

Last name: Shirley.

First Name(s): John.

Birth date: Not given.

Death date: Not given.

Transcription details:

Transcribed by: Rosalind Hodge.

Batch: Unknown.


Image of a monument

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