Browse the baptism records in the Sussex OPC database (217135 records)
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St Symphorian15 Mar 1694CaplenJohnMagnifying glass image
St Symphorian07 Jun 1694KempRobardMagnifying glass image
St Symphorian06 Nov 1694SturtRobartMagnifying glass image
St Symphorian15 Feb 1693PaskenJaneMagnifying glass image
St Symphorian17 Apr 1693HalinghamElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Symphorian27 Apr 1693GreanWilliamMagnifying glass image
St Symphorian13 Aug 1693SturtMaryMagnifying glass image
St Symphorian27 Aug 1693FilderMaryMagnifying glass image
St Symphorian13 Oct 1692WoolgerMaryMagnifying glass image
St Symphorian01 Dec 1692CaplenThomasMagnifying glass image
St Symphorian05 Mar 1691FelderJohnMagnifying glass image
St Symphorian21 Mar 1691PaskenMaryMagnifying glass image
St Symphorian24 Mar 1691GreneJohnMagnifying glass image
St Symphorian17 Jun 1691HewelAnnMagnifying glass image
St Symphorian12 Jul 1691SturtThomasMagnifying glass image
St Symphorian22 Sep 1691SouttenWilliamMagnifying glass image

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