Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St Mary20 Jun 1611WallisEdwardShotterMaryMagnifying glass image
St Mary20 Oct 1611WardeEdwardShotterMaryMagnifying glass image
St Mary30 May 1616CookeEdwardBrightChristianMagnifying glass image
St Mary26 Dec 1681OudtenEdwardAlmerMaryMagnifying glass image
St Mary15 Oct 1717SockEdwardBeaconElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Mary21 Feb 1757HounsomEdwardDavisMaryMagnifying glass image
St Mary11 Oct 1759StreetEdwardTribeElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Mary27 Jun 1766HideEdwardBoxallSarahMagnifying glass image
St Mary20 Oct 1772HillsEdwardBossellElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Mary23 May 1793KnightEdwardBridgerElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Mary03 Jan 1804HelyerEdwardCartwrightFrancesMagnifying glass image
St Mary14 Oct 1806HenlyEdwardBoxallAnnMagnifying glass image
St Mary24 Jan 1820BrabyEdwardAylingMaryMagnifying glass image
St Mary21 May 1831JaquesEdwardAshleyCharlotteMagnifying glass image
St Mary29 Jan 1833GobleEdwardCarverMaryMagnifying glass image
St Mary11 Jan 1845HarperEdwardStonerHarrietMagnifying glass image

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