Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St Andrew24 Jun 1624NewarkeGeorgeWestElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Andrew16 Oct 1651InscipGeorgeHeaverDorothyMagnifying glass image
St Andrew24 Sep 1678RowlandGeorgeRobbinsMarthaMagnifying glass image
St Andrew11 May 1712BarberGeorgeBakerFrancesMagnifying glass image
St Andrew13 Oct 1734KentGeorgeBrownMaryMagnifying glass image
St Andrew05 Apr 1746RobertsGeorgeTesterSarahMagnifying glass image
St Andrew10 Oct 1759WellerGeorgeBurrellMaryMagnifying glass image
St Andrew20 Feb 1636OliverGeorgMarchantMaryMagnifying glass image
St Andrew04 Oct 1730HillsGeoMarchantMaryMagnifying glass image
St Andrew08 Apr 1673AscallFrancisStevensSusanMagnifying glass image
St Andrew27 Oct 1595ReyeFrancesJoanMagnifying glass image
St Andrew10 Oct 1721EnglishEdwdBakerSarahMagnifying glass image
St Andrew08 Sep 1594WestEdwardMarkweckMargaretMagnifying glass image
St Andrew23 Jan 1601HarendenEdwardHeatheAlseMagnifying glass image
St Andrew25 Jun 1632WiggrhamEdwardAscoleElisabethMagnifying glass image
St Andrew09 Feb 1681HoldenEdwardKentAnneMagnifying glass image

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