Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St John the Baptist04 Oct 1670BeebleWillm.LegatMaryeMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist25 Sep 1654BeelingeSipprianBarrowJaneMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist17 Apr 1870BeereJohn RasellWebbEdithMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist19 Jun 1837BeetonRobert FrancisEarwakerElizaMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist09 Jun 1580BeilleSymoneHedgerVrsleyMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist25 Jul 1748BellJamesHorwoodSarahMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist15 Oct 1726BeltRobertCookAnnMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist?? ??? 1709BemisterCharlesP.Eliz.Magnifying glass image
St John the Baptist21 May 1732BennettSamuelAtherlyElizabethMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist05 Jul 1774BennettSamuelCrocfordSarahMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist11 Dec 1784BensonFrancisFoljambeElizabethMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist15 Jul 1828BergfeldtJohn GottliebGillmanAdelaideMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist23 Feb 1749BetsonJohnSymsMaryMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist04 Sep 1671BetsworthHenryPersonCatherineMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist17 Jan 1813BetsworthWilliamFowlsMaryMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist24 Oct 1819BetsworthJohnShrubbsSarahMagnifying glass image

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