Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St John the Baptist15 Sep 1856WayThomasHarrisElizabethMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist25 Dec 1765WattsThomasClareDorothyMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist26 Jan 1794WattsGeorgeCarterAnnMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist29 Nov 1692WatlerRobertPledgerCloeMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist25 Nov 1619WatermanRobertGrennellAgnesMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist26 May 1806WarrenWilliamTurnerAnnMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist11 Jan 1807WarrenJosephShayerSophiaMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist11 Nov 1865WarrenThomasHackmanFannyMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist28 Sep 1591WarnerJohnBrowneConstanceMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist07 Jul 1760WarnerRobertVinnMaryMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist01 Apr 1766WareJohnGroutAnnMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist11 Aug 1844WardenJohn WilliamLarcomCeliaMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist19 Nov 1817WalshGeorgeChatfieldMaryMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist25 Oct 1827WallisWilliam ParryPinchardMaryMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist03 Feb 1620WalkerThomasWestbrokeSibellMagnifying glass image
St John the Baptist18 Dec 1628WalkerWilliamWastellAnneMagnifying glass image

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