Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St Bartholomew23 Oct 1638GoffeThomasMonkeJoaneMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew10 Apr 1831GilesJohnNicholasElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew17 Nov 1833GilesJamesHendleyMaryMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew14 Jun 1752GibsonWilliamLansdownMaryMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew29 Dec 1747GeeringTho.WillatElizab.Magnifying glass image
St Bartholomew13 Sep 1840GearReubenBishopLouisaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew10 Oct 1774GanderWilliamParsonsJaneMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew10 Sep 1842GanderJohnBatchelorLouisaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew13 Jun 1863GanderJamesBransdenElisabeth JaneMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew07 Jul 1866GanderWilliamStandingJaneMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew06 Nov 1706GanPeterPorterMareyMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew14 Feb 1630FurlongerThomasVennallAnnMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew?? May 1656FurlongerThomasAndarasElesebethMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew24 Apr 1815FrenchJamesStarleyElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew09 Jul 1617FreindJeamesMartynAnnMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew26 Jul 1823FowlerEdwardScraseMaryMagnifying glass image

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