Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St Andrew30 Oct 1804HarriottRichardPettitMillyMagnifying glass image
St Andrew02 Oct 1798BennettBenjaminNicholasNannyMagnifying glass image
St Andrew26 Dec 1808AucockJamesGeeringNannyMagnifying glass image
St Andrew04 Apr 1776FrenchWilliamBrookerNaomiMagnifying glass image
St Andrew15 Oct 1804BakerJohnFrenchNaomi MaryMagnifying glass image
St Andrew01 May 1792CareyJohnLevettNaomyMagnifying glass image
St Andrew25 Nov 1578DolmanRobertWoodmanPhillisMagnifying glass image
St Andrew22 Mar 1592SlomanJasparDolmanPhillisMagnifying glass image
St Andrew02 Oct 1688TupponThomasWadeRachaelMagnifying glass image
St Andrew22 May 1711RobertsWilliamValentineRachelMagnifying glass image
St Andrew29 Dec 1845NormanRichardHarrietRachelMagnifying glass image
St Andrew18 May 1807StaceHenryOnionRebaccaMagnifying glass image
St Andrew11 Nov 1833PicknalJohnReedsRebaccaMagnifying glass image
St Andrew30 Dec 1811HamshireJamesHarmerRebeccaMagnifying glass image
St Andrew22 Apr 1829BodleJohnThorncraftRebeccahMagnifying glass image
St Andrew20 Jul 1847OnionHenryBuxtonRhodaMagnifying glass image

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