Browse the baptism records in the Sussex OPC database (217135 records)
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All Saints25 Sep 1814GanderSarahMagnifying glass image
All Saints25 Sep 1814VineCarolineMagnifying glass image
All Saints30 Oct 1814BurchettJames LockMagnifying glass image
All Saints20 Nov 1814BurchettDianaMagnifying glass image
All Saints20 Nov 1814RusselCarolineMagnifying glass image
All Saints03 Jan 1813BrookElizabethMagnifying glass image
All Saints24 Jan 1813LadeLaimulotMagnifying glass image
All Saints24 Jan 1813MartinHannahMagnifying glass image
All Saints21 Feb 1813BurchettDavidMagnifying glass image
All Saints28 Feb 1813BurchettReubenMagnifying glass image
All Saints21 Mar 1813BrayGeorgeMagnifying glass image
All Saints04 Apr 1813ParsonTamarMagnifying glass image
All Saints16 Apr 1813PocockEdwinMagnifying glass image
All Saints18 Apr 1813BritlingJohnMagnifying glass image
All Saints02 May 1813MartinWilliamMagnifying glass image
All Saints13 Jun 1813TichbonMaryMagnifying glass image

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