Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St Mary the Virgin20 Sep 1709DiggensHenryJinkensJoanMagnifying glass image
St Mary the Virgin23 Apr 1685TrueJamesKebseyJane Or JoanMagnifying glass image
St Mary the Virgin25 Jan 1781JelliffJamesMantJane Or JeanMagnifying glass image
St Mary the Virgin11 Oct 1618HarmswortheHenryLoderJaneMagnifying glass image
St Mary the Virgin24 Jun 1634StanbrookeJohnTressollerJaneMagnifying glass image
St Mary the Virgin30 Sep 1685BleachMichaelKimberJaneMagnifying glass image
St Mary the Virgin09 May 1706CombeJohnLilliotJaneMagnifying glass image
St Mary the Virgin20 Apr 1707DownerThomasBroadhamJaneMagnifying glass image
St Mary the Virgin04 Sep 1716FaithRichardLeatherlandJaneMagnifying glass image
St Mary the Virgin09 May 1728HopelyWilliamFrogbrookeJaneMagnifying glass image
St Mary the Virgin29 Jul 1782LoaderThomasAllenJaneMagnifying glass image
St Mary the Virgin23 Sep 1800BridgerJosephLoaderJaneMagnifying glass image
St Mary the Virgin30 Jun 1803GarthwaiteGeorgeRandallJaneMagnifying glass image
St Mary the Virgin05 Jun 1843PollarnWilliamBuckettJaneMagnifying glass image
St Mary the Virgin04 Jun 1859EldertonGeorgeBoxcallJaneMagnifying glass image
St Mary the Virgin20 Jul 1746WilliamsGeorgeBurrowIsabellaMagnifying glass image

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