Browse the burial records in the Sussex OPC database (26348 records)
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All SaintsWickens14 Jan 1624EdwardMagnifying glass image
All SaintsWickenden14 Dec 1622BennettMagnifying glass image
All SaintsWiborne06 ??? 1627WilliamMagnifying glass image
All SaintsWiborne03 Jun 1628WilliamMagnifying glass image
All SaintsWiborne19 ??? 1639widdowMagnifying glass image
All SaintsWiborne29 Jan 1713DorothyMagnifying glass image
All SaintsWhite31 May 1635EdwardeMagnifying glass image
All SaintsWhite14 Aug 1640RichardMagnifying glass image
All SaintsWhite10 ??? 1644MaryMagnifying glass image
All SaintsWhite27 Nov 1662ElizabethMagnifying glass image
All SaintsWhite16 Dec 1662WilliamMagnifying glass image
All SaintsWhite13 Feb 1664MaryMagnifying glass image
All SaintsWhite22 Sep 1668SarahMagnifying glass image
All SaintsWhite28 Dec 1670Child of AvisMagnifying glass image
All SaintsWhite28 Dec 1670Child of AvisMagnifying glass image
All SaintsWhite17 Jun 1676AnthonyMagnifying glass image

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