Browse the baptism records in the Sussex OPC database (217135 records)
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St Dunstan17 Feb 1589BatesChristopherMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan27 Apr 1617BateWilliamMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan04 Nov 1599BatMaryMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan20 Apr 1578BassettStevenMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan13 Nov 1580BassettElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan24 Feb 1617BassettDorothyMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan05 Feb 1604Bascom (gascom?)JohnMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan16 Oct 1603BascomElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan21 Jan 1581BartonThomasMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan03 Feb 1583BartonElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan29 Nov 1584BartonAgnesMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan28 Mar 1585BartonJohnMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan28 Apr 1588BartonMaryeMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan23 Jul 1590BartonAnnasMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan07 Oct 1593BartonRichardMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan01 Nov 1596BartonMarieMagnifying glass image

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