Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St George25 Feb 1815HearseyHenryEamesPriscillaMagnifying glass image
St George01 Sep 1827TurnerJohnEamesSarahMagnifying glass image
St George10 Feb 1843KempRichardEamesAnn PayneMagnifying glass image
St George14 Jun 1851BonnifaceEliEamesElizabethMagnifying glass image
St George26 Jun 1853GauntlettGeorge Gaintlett OrEamesJaneMagnifying glass image
St George02 Dec 1860MartinJesseEamesMary AnneMagnifying glass image
St George26 May 1790WellsJohnEdeRebeccaMagnifying glass image
St George22 Feb 1819HughesJohnEdgellSarahMagnifying glass image
St George05 Oct 1708KentJohnEdwardsSarahMagnifying glass image
St George11 Sep 1845GatesJamesElderElizabethMagnifying glass image
St George25 May 1790HeatherCharlesEldridgeMaryMagnifying glass image
St George08 Nov 1691TillEdwardElizabethMagnifying glass image
St George22 May 1672HartleyTho.EmphnutMargaretMagnifying glass image
St George13 May 1760HallRogerErrickerMaryMagnifying glass image
St George19 May 1760HallRogerErrickerMaryMagnifying glass image
St George31 Dec 1837HiltonJosephEtheringtonCharlotteMagnifying glass image

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