Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St Bartholomew22 Jun 1567PicknollJohannesGliddeConstanciaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew05 Oct 1567DowneRichardusBachelerMargaretaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew24 Nov 1567AppesThomasOxenbridgeMildredaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew24 Nov 1567PicknollThomasBachelerAliciaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew30 Nov 1567VintamThomasVinallThomasinaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew12 Jan 1566DaweThomasGoodsollAnnaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew26 May 1566DaweGuilielmusFosterAgnesMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew27 May 1566CrierJohannesAllerdeAgnesMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew28 Jul 1566AroeRichardusChalenorAliciaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew28 Oct 1566AweekesEdwardusDaweJohannaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew04 Jan 1565HammanJohannesTarpeAgnesMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew13 Feb 1565SquireHenricusWebbAliciaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew13 Aug 1565PullenJordanusMacomberMargaretaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew09 Sep 1565MorrellSimonPerrigoeOdianaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew15 Oct 1565DaweRichardusTwitJohannaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew16 Oct 1565FosterStephanusCharlewoodeElizabethMagnifying glass image

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