Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St Bartholomew12 Sep 1580BachelarJacobusDanyellElizabethaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew25 Jun 1582BachelarGuilielmusDaweMariaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew09 Feb 1584BachelarGuilielmusTaylerDeboraMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew13 May 1616BacchelarMagnesKentMaryMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew11 ??? 1739B***erJohnRogersElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew02 Sep 1753B****JohnMorpherSarahMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew30 Jan 1754AylwardJn.CadwellBettyMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew?? ??? 1632AyherstJohnBythwoodElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew20 Feb 1737AxtellRobertCollinsMaryMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew05 Jul 1569AweikeGodfridusCosierAgnesMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew28 Oct 1566AweekesEdwardusDaweJohannaMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew21 Jul 1594AweekeThomasStonstreatFortuneMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew24 Jan 1575AwcockeJohnGoodsollConstanceMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew19 Oct 1598AwcockeJohnFosterJohanMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew17 Nov 1664AveryRichardEdwardsMaryMagnifying glass image
St Bartholomew23 May 1675AveryRichardusBeechingMariaMagnifying glass image

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