Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St Margaret the Queen11 Apr 1769WestJamesDownardSarahMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen03 Jun 1808WestRobertPageMaryMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen06 Nov 1823WestJamesStreeterSarahMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen13 Sep 1841WestJohnCottingtonMaryanMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen15 Nov 1842WestEdwardSiggsAnnMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen16 Dec 1843WestRichardPollardFrancesMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen04 Apr 1665WestonJohnHeckreadgeAnnMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen02 Aug 1764WestonBenjaminWilmotJaneMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen11 Apr 1809WestonJohnOsmerSarahMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen21 Nov 1580WhapameRobartRusselleAlysMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen22 Jul 1641WhaphamThomasRibbinsMaryMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen02 Feb 1595WhappanThomasKingeAlesMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen13 Oct 1646WhappomWilliamGinnerMaryMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen28 Aug 1760WheatleyWilliamBerwickSarahMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen14 Oct 1807WheatleyJamesCottingtonSarahMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen27 Jun 1820WheatleyJohnAshbyPhiladelphiaMagnifying glass image

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