Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St Margaret the Queen02 Jun 1635CoeWilliamBrayAliceMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen22 Aug 1637CottingetonJamesHookeAliceMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen19 Jun 1666CardThomasAshdowneAliceMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen25 Jan 1669DelawayThomasBennetAliceMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen15 Jun 1676CosensEdwardDeneishAliceMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen15 Apr 1713GastonRichardDickerAliceMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen16 Oct 1729PalmerNicholasCoeAliceMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen02 Sep 1844BrooksJohnReedAliceMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen27 Oct 1869TaylorHenryPeerlessAliceMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen05 May 1875IzzardWilliamDiplockAliceMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen15 Jan 1587CornefordeJohnPettiteAlesMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen18 Feb 1587GrenewayeJohnArnollAlesMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen23 Oct 1587PratteThomasOlyffeAlesMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen02 Feb 1595WhappanThomasKingeAlesMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen31 Dec 1629DickesGorgeFurbyAlceMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen29 May 1580MoyseJohnThestarAgnisMagnifying glass image

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