Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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All Hallows10 Mar 1819DenyerGeorgeSandersAnnMagnifying glass image
All Hallows01 Jul 1819GreenWilliamHallHannahMagnifying glass image
All Hallows03 Aug 1819SmitherGeorgeStevensAnneMagnifying glass image
All Hallows30 May 1820BerreyGeorgeNipperElizabethMagnifying glass image
All Hallows06 Mar 1821BurmanJamesStempsonMaryMagnifying glass image
All Hallows27 Sep 1821EdwardHenryChaseMariaMagnifying glass image
All Hallows19 Mar 1822TufferThomasPutwichAnneMagnifying glass image
All Hallows12 Jun 1822HillsRichardMartinRuthMagnifying glass image
All Hallows10 Feb 1823EllisJohnEllisSarahMagnifying glass image
All Hallows17 Mar 1823WiseJamesHolderElizabethMagnifying glass image
All Hallows20 Jul 1823NewmanJamesQuennellMaryMagnifying glass image
All Hallows09 Aug 1823SuterRalphJacksonAnneMagnifying glass image
All Hallows11 Dec 1823MaidmanWilliamBarnettElisabethMagnifying glass image
All Hallows20 Jan 1824TifferJamesCookMaryMagnifying glass image
All Hallows06 Jun 1824BoxallStephenClementsSusannaMagnifying glass image
All Hallows12 Apr 1825MoseleyGeorgeVollerMary AnneMagnifying glass image

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