Browse the census returns in the Sussex OPC database (52637 records)
1841 (5) CENSUS RETURNS FOR MIDHURST, Household Schedule 126 (Liberty of St John)
ParishCensus YearFolioPageRowLast nameFirst NameAgeGenderRelationship to headBirth Parish
Page 1 of 1, (16 rows per page; 5 rows available)
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Midhurst1841689HarveyPhebe50FemaleNot givenUnknownMagnifying glass image
Midhurst1841690HarveyPhebe12FemaleNot givenUnknownMagnifying glass image
Midhurst1841688HarveyWilliam55MaleNot givenUnknownMagnifying glass image
Midhurst1841691HarrisGeorge30MaleNot givenUnknownMagnifying glass image
Midhurst1841692PerryerEdward20MaleNot givenUnknownMagnifying glass image

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