Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St Margaret the Queen05 May 1579HodeStephanBurgysAneMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen01 Jun 1579SewbrydgeAllexandareTrevysAneMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen20 Jun 1580SlowmaneGeorgeHodeAneMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen23 Jul 1581BelleGefferyeBrewmanAneMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen12 Jan 1613SellanRobardCokeAneMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen17 Jan 1613KotingtonThomasPeckhamAneMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen?? Feb 1613JansonSamuelPekhamAneMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen02 Feb 1613TomsotSilvannBarhamAneMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen14 Feb 1613GoridyRobardBakerAneMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen01 Nov 1613BrianeThomasPuxlieAneMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen10 Apr 1570PruseAndrewDribeAnnMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen07 May 1570WindepenyeThomasHuittAnnMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen05 Aug 1571FawcknerEdwardBoinckeAnnMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen24 Jan 1593HenseleyWilliamMowshurstAnnMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen30 Sep 1594StaplehurstWilliamHatcherAnnMagnifying glass image
St Margaret the Queen28 Oct 1600WinklorJohnBrayAnnMagnifying glass image

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