Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St Mary30 Aug 1584CollenHenryeThomasMarieMagnifying glass image
St Mary30 Aug 1584CollenHaryThorneMaryMagnifying glass image
St Mary?? Sep 1584StringerThomasAliceMagnifying glass image
St Mary13 Sep 1584GunterRichardeKayesMarieMagnifying glass image
St Mary13 Sep 1584GwnterRychardKaceMargarieMagnifying glass image
St Mary20 Sep 1584StrengerThomasMeldredAllesMagnifying glass image
St Mary01 Nov 1584PrattOwenGravetAgnisMagnifying glass image
St Mary02 Jun 1585WickmanAnthoneyLun.ElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Mary11 Feb 1586ChandlorRapheBoundeJoneMagnifying glass image
St Mary13 Feb 1586PayenEdmundAylingeMargaretMagnifying glass image
St Mary05 May 1586BridgerJohnFludMawdelynMagnifying glass image
St Mary25 Sep 1586GrayeThomasWoolstockeKatherineMagnifying glass image
St Mary28 Jan 1587CootsWm.HartleyJoneMagnifying glass image
St Mary28 Jan 1587RydallWm.BridgierElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Mary29 Jan 1587PrattEdwardWickmanAlisMagnifying glass image
St Mary29 Jan 1587PrattEdwardWickmanBarbaraMagnifying glass image

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