Browse the postal directory entries in the Sussex OPC database (7554 records)
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1859Kelly's DirectoryLowerSeafordGeorgeCarrier to LewesHigh St.Magnifying glass image
1859Kelly's DirectoryLowerSeafordGeorgeCarrier to LewesMagnifying glass image
1859Kelly's DirectoryWynterSeafordMarkChemist & DruggistHigh Street.Magnifying glass image
1859Kelly's DirectoryEmarySeafordHenry MillerClerkMagnifying glass image
1859Kelly's DirectoryOsbonSeafordCharlesCoal Merchant & FarmerChurch Lane.Magnifying glass image
1859Kelly's DirectoryCarnegieSeafordJCommissioner of Assessed & Property TaxesMagnifying glass image
1859Kelly's DirectoryChambersSeafordT WCommissioner of Assessed & Property TaxesMagnifying glass image
1859Kelly's DirectoryTurnerSeafordJ SCommissioner of Assessed & Property TaxesMagnifying glass image
1859Kelly's DirectoryHaineSeafordWilliamConstableMagnifying glass image
1859Kelly's DirectorySelmesSeafordJamesConstableEast Sussex Constabulary Police Station, High Street.Magnifying glass image
1859Kelly's DirectoryGoddenSeafordEdwardCountry Fire & LifeMagnifying glass image
1859Kelly's DirectoryCosstickSeafordJamesDairymanMagnifying glass image
1859Kelly's DirectoryPitcherSeafordSarahDay SchoolChapel Row.Magnifying glass image
1859Kelly's DirectoryHarberdSeafordElizabethDressmakerMagnifying glass image
1859Kelly's DirectoryHilderSeafordElizaDressmakerHigh St.Magnifying glass image
1859Kelly's DirectoryReevesSeafordJohnFarm bailiffChinton.Magnifying glass image

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