Browse the postal directory entries in the Sussex OPC database (7554 records)
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1851Post Office DirectoryHaroldBattleWilliamInsurance agent, National Provident LifeMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryKenwardBattleJohnInsurance agent, Norwich Union Fire & LifeMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryKellBattleNathaniel PolhillInsurance agent, Phoenix FireMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryTicehurstBattleThomasInsurance agent, Royal Exchange FireMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryJohnstonBattlePeterInsurance agent, Royal Farmers' Fire & LifeMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryEllmanBattle-Insurance agent, Sun Fire & LifeMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryDenyerBattleWilliamInsurance agent, United Kingdom Mutual LifeMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryBurgessBattleJohnironmonger and tinplate workerMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryLaurence & TillBattle-ironmongersMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryParryBattle-Ladies boarding and day schoolMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office surveyor & news agentMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryBunkerBattleThomasleather cutterMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryBurgessBattleJameslinen draperMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryKenwardBattleJohnlinen draperMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectorySargentBattleGeorgelinen draperMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryPutlandBattleGeorgeLondon courierMagnifying glass image

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