Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St Dunstan06 Feb 1610CorthopJohnNewnohed?AnnMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan29 Apr 1577CooperWillmRoseMaryeMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan09 May 1585ColmanGeorgeLuckeAliceMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan23 Feb 1574CollynWilliamPetyboneMaryMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan09 Nov 1579CollynWyllmMartynJoneMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan22 Oct 1582CollynIsaakeManbySusanMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan14 Jun 1613CollynThomasPayneMaryMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan20 Jun 1585CollyerJohnWellsMargarettMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan12 Apr 1613CollyarGeorgeHarshallAgnesMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan01 Oct 1598CollinNicholasWoodgateElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan23 Nov 1590ColinAlexanderPecchamAnMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan13 Jul 1579ColeThomasWyckershamKaterenMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan14 Apr 1572ColbynWilliamLongleyMaryeMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan15 Nov 1609CoburneHueHylderMaryMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan11 Oct 1585ClyftonRychardHilderSusanMagnifying glass image
St Dunstan15 May 1615ClyftonRichardGulbynMaryMagnifying glass image

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