Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St Peter25 Apr 1616TuckneyJohnGrayElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Peter25 Jun 1616PhilippsGeorgeCulpeperTimothieMagnifying glass image
St Peter02 Aug 1615KillingbeckJohnChatfieldSarahMagnifying glass image
St Peter03 Sep 1615ClereRichardLongBarbarieMagnifying glass image
St Peter26 Sep 1615WestHenryMerrieDorothieMagnifying glass image
St Peter09 Oct 1615JenkenNinianJaxonAdriellMagnifying glass image
St Peter29 May 1614AdrailThomasHookerElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Peter22 Jun 1614TheobaldJohnCulpeperDorothieMagnifying glass image
St Peter13 May 1613AlchinJamesTreepeAnnMagnifying glass image
St Peter13 Sep 1613TeasterJohnBoltonMargaretMagnifying glass image
St Peter03 Feb 1612ChomleyJohnWheelerMildredMagnifying glass image
St Peter24 Feb 1612PicknollRobertAdkinsMarieMagnifying glass image
St Peter21 May 1611WhitfeildJohnCulpeperElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Peter15 Sep 1611StandenJohnAihurstAliceMagnifying glass image
St Peter02 Oct 1610AddesNicholasLucarMarieMagnifying glass image
St Peter16 Jan 1609LinfeldWilliamHookeJohanMagnifying glass image

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