Browse the SAC article index in the Sussex OPC database (3245 records)
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10, 1858206Burial of John Fitz-Alan, Earl of ArundelSAC NoteMagnifying glass image
12, 1860261Henry, 21st Earl of ArundelSAC NoteMagnifying glass image
46, 1903235An Earl of Arundel in FranceSAC NoteMagnifying glass image
56, 1914202Samuel Knight, the Younger, Bellfounder of Reading, Berks, settles at Arundel in 1712SAC NoteMagnifying glass image
69, 1928223Earthworks in Gobblestubbs Copse ArundelSAC NoteMagnifying glass image
3, 185077Notices connected with a recent Excavation in College Chapel at ArundelSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
4, 185131Sir Bevis of Hampton and his Horse Arundel SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
7, 1854159The Taxpayers of the Borough of Arundel with Extracts from the Subsidy Roll of 1296 and other MSSSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
11, 185989The Priory of Pynham or De Calceto; with some Notices of the Priories of Tortington, Hardham and LeveminsterSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
12, 1860232Discovery of the Remains of John, Seventeenth Earl of ArundelSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
20, 1868184Nineveh (an ancient house at Arundel)SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
30, 188031The Arundel Chancel Case.SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
47, 1904148A pre-Conquest Coffin-Slab from Arundel CastleSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
61, 192020The Earthworks of Rewell Hill, near ArundelSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
61, 192031Tentative Explorations of Rewell HillSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
73, 19321The Wooden roof bosses in the FitzAlan Chapel, Arundel, and in Poling ChurchSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image

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