Browse the postal directory entries in the Sussex OPC database (7554 records)
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1832Pigot's Directory of SussexFoord BattleElizabethGrocerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexFoord BattleSarahGrocerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexJohnsonBattle-GrocerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexPemble BattlePaulGloverMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexTicehurst BattleWm.Fire & C. Office Agent (Royal Exchange)Magnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexKenward BattleJohnFire & C. Office Agent (Norwhich Union)Magnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexTicehurst BattleThomasFire & C. Office Agent (Kent)Magnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexKell BattleNathaniel PFire & C. Office Agent (Guardian)Magnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexSargent BattleJohnFire & C. Office Agent (Guardian)Magnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexCuthbert BattleJamesDruggistMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexGibbs BattleWilliamDruggistMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexGoodwin BattleCharles AugustusCorn factor & dealer, brewer & coal dealerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexNeve BattleWilliamCorn factor & dealerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexWaters BattleWilliamCorn factor & dealerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexFord BattleThomasCooper & measure makerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexPhillips BattleWilliamCooperMagnifying glass image

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