Browse the postal directory entries in the Sussex OPC database (7554 records)
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1832Pigot's Directory of SussexColeman BattleWilliamBlacksmithMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexElliott BattleJosephBlacksmithMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexFoord BattleElizabethBakerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexFoord BattleElizabethGrocerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexFoord BattleSarahBakerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexFoord BattleSarahGrocerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexFunnell BattleHenryGrocer and tallow chandler and melterMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexHayler BattleGeorgeTailorMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexHooker BattleJohnTailorMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexJohnsonBattle-GrocerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexKell BattleNathaniel PolhillAttorneyMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexKenward BattleJohnLinen drapersMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexLaurence BattleCharlesGunpowder manufacturerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexLaurence BattleJamesHardwareman & ironmongerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexLaurence BattleSonGunpowder manufacturerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexMartin Battle-AttorneyMagnifying glass image

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