Browse the postal directory entries in the Sussex OPC database (7554 records)
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1832Pigot's Directory of SussexJones BattleGeorgeBoot and shoe makerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexJohnsonBattle-GrocerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexInskipp BattleJamesSurveyor (buildings)Magnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexHooker BattleJohnTailorMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexHilderBattle-BankerBranch of Hastings Bank (draw on Masterman, Peters and Co. London).Magnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexHayler BattleGeorgeTailorMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexHancock Battle-Battle.Magnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexGorhamBattleJames(Publican)King's Head.Magnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexGoodwin BattleCharles AugustusCorn factor & dealer, brewer & coal dealerMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexGoodwin BattleChs. Augustus(Publican)Conquering Hero.Magnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexGibbs BattleWilliamDruggistMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexGausden BattleCharlesButcherMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexGarner BattleWilliamGent's boarding and day school.Magnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexFunnell BattleHenryGrocer and tallow chandler and melterMagnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexFuller BattleJohnRose Hill.Magnifying glass image
1832Pigot's Directory of SussexFuller BattleJohnBoreman.Magnifying glass image

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