Browse the postal directory entries in the Sussex OPC database (7554 records)
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1851Post Office DirectoryHayterBattleJames(Inn keeper)Chequers.Magnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryHaroldBattleWilliamchemist & booksellerMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryHaroldBattleWilliamInsurance agent, National Provident LifeMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryHarbourBattleRichardbakerMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryGoldsmithBattleJames(Inn keeper)Kings Head.Magnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryGledeBattleThos.Inland Revenue Office supervisorGeorge Inn.Magnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryGausdenBattleCharlesbutcherMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryFullerBattleAugustus FullerMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryFreelandBattleSusanboarding and day schoolMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryFoordBattleElizabethbaker & pastrycookMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryFoordBattleThomascooperMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryFoordBattleThomasInsurance agent, Dissenters & General Fire & LifeMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryFlintBattleRobertgrocer & china & glass dealerMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryFarraBattleCharlestailor & hatterMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryFarraBattleCharlesInsurance agent, Liverpool Fire & LifeMagnifying glass image
1851Post Office DirectoryEmaryBattleCharlesMagnifying glass image

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