Protestation return detail



Parish notes:

Sussex: Bramber Rape: Southweeke Parishe, Februarii the xxvth, 1641. Md., The day and yeare abovesayed, the Minister of the sayed Parish and Cunstable of the sayed Hundred, whose names are heereunder subscribed, did take the Protestation Commaunded by the Commons House of Parliament, before mee Henry Goringe, one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the aforesayd County, the Churchwardens of that Parishe being not well, whose Protestations the Minister and Cunstable aforesayed intend to take with the rest of that Parishe. Wee, whose names ar heerunder written, have seen all ye neighbourhood above written to sett to ther handes to ye Protestation enjoyned, willinglye, without ye refusall of any one particular. Cornelius Tinley, Rector ibid., John Hall, Constable & Overseer.


John Smyth.


"his mark".

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