Coolham, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 8QN.
Grid reference: 510755, 123110, View on: Google Maps, Open Street Map, Streetmap, National Library of Scotland Map, Magic Maps
Currently there is no incumbent information available.
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There are no monumental inscriptions in the OPC database.
POWPics (The New Roughwood Church Album) contains 2 photographs of this church. This album will also display any postcards or other images of the church which are in the Sussex OPC database.
There are 6 images of this church in the OPC database.
Built: c. 1580.
Style: Vernacular.
Current use: Worship.
There are no documents about this church in the OPC database. If you have one, please contribute a transcription!
There are no books about this church in the Sussex OPC Bibliography.
There are no articles about this church in the OPC Sussex Archeaological Collections Index.
The Blue Idol, a Quaker meeting house, was originally a farmhouse built in the mid 1600s. It may be named after a small blue ceramic figure found in the garden, or because it was once colour-washed blue and stood 'idle' or empty.
In 1682 William Penn, whose home was Warminghurst Place in nearby Ashington, sailed from England and founded the state of Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia. On his return around 1691, Penn helped to establish a Quaker Meeting house here, where he worshipped. Part of the farmhouse was altered so that it was suitable for Quaker meetings, and it had its own burial ground close by. Penn also attended monthly meetings at Coneyhurst, Horsham and Warminghurst, and was a friend of George Fox, founder of the Quakers, who was imprisoned for his beliefs in Horsham Gaol for over three months in 1655.
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