Publisher details


Pigot & Co.




Only a few firms were able to make a success of publishing national and provincial directories, and they came to dominate the market during the mid-nineteenth century. Among them was James Pigot, a Manchester engraver, whose series of directories ran from 1820 to 1853. His directories generally took the form of a classified list of trades, with a names index only included for the largest towns.
Information for the directories was gathered through personal canvassing by a well-trained body of agents. Indeed some of these agents later went on to produce directories of their own. Pigot produced a new directory in the form of a series of separate regional surveys every six or seven years.
From 1840 he was partnered by Isaac Slater, a fellow Manchester engraver, and the firm was finally taken over by Kelly’s in 1853, although Pigot’s name was retained until 1882.

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