London Gazette index entry detail

Publication details:

Publication date: 08 Jun 1725.

Issue: 6380.

Page: 8.



Person details:

Name: Deborah Brian.

Marital Status: Unmarried.


THIS is to give Notice to the Creditors of the Persons undernamed, now Prisoners in Horsham Goal in the County of Sussex, viz. Richard Turner alias Tester late of Eastgrinstead in Sussex, Miller. Richard Relfe, late of Battle in Sussex, Gent. William Thayer, late of Wisborough-Green in Sussex, Wheelwright, John Haylor, late of Ditcheling in Sussex, Cordwainer. Deborah Brian, late of Horsham in Sussex, Spinster. William Bolney late of Havant in the County of Southampton, Maltsler, William Lenny, late of East-Hartrng in Sussex, Butcher, to appear at the next Quarter Sessions for the County of Sussex, at Horsham, on Monday the 12th Day of July next, to shew Cause why they should not be discharged.



Transcribed by:

Michael Metcalfe.

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