London Gazette index entry detail

Publication details:

Publication date: 19 Mar 1765.

Issue: 10506.

Page: 3.



Person details:

Name: Hyde Warnett.

Marital Status: Not given.

Occupation: Officer in His Majesty's Customs.


Custom-House, London, March 19, 1765. Whereas on Monday the 25th of February last, about Twelve o'Clock at Night, a Gang of Smuglers, to the Number of 20 or thereabouts, all on Horseback, armed with large Hedge Stakes, Clubs, and other offensive Weapons, were assembled in a Lane leading to the House of Mary Noyce, in the Parish of Pagham in the County of Sussex, in order to be aiding and assisting in the Rescue of a large Quantity of Brandy, which had been seized by Hyde Warnett, Thomas Baker, and John Wheatley, Officers of His Majesty's Customs in the Port of Chichester, who in the due Execution of their Office, were forcibly and violently obstructed, and 40 Casts of the said Brandy, so by them seized, were, by the said Smuglers, rescued and taken away. The Commissioners of His Majesty’s Customs, in order to bring the Offenders to justice, and the more effectually to put a Stop to such outrageous Proceedings, do hereby promise a Reward of 50 l. to any Person or Persons who shall discover and apprehend, or cause to be discovered and apprehended, any or either of the said Offender or Offenders ; to be paid by the Receives-General of His Majesty's Customs upon Conviction. J. Fremantle.



Transcribed by:

Michael Metcalfe.

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