London Gazette index entry detail

Publication details:

Publication date: 21 Nov 1775.

Issue: 11616.

Page: 3.



Person details:

Name: John Chrismas.

Marital Status: Not given.


The following Address of the Mayor, Jurats, Freemen, and Principal Inhabitants of the Town of Rye, has been presented to His Majesty by Middleton Onflow, Esq; One of their Representatives in Parliaments being introduced by the Lord of His Majesty’s Bed-Chamber in Waiting : Which Address His Majesty was pleased to receive very graciously. To the KING's most Excellent Majesty. The humble Address of the Mayor, Jurats, freemen, and Principal Inhabitants, of your Majesty's ancient Town of Rye in the County of Sussex. WE, your Majesty's loyal and dutiful Subjects, the Mayor, Jurats, Freemen, and Principal Inhabitants, of the ancient Town of Rye in the County of Sussex, do humbly intreat that your Majesty will permit us, with the most profound Respect, to approach your Royal Person with our most grateful Acknowledgments that your Majesty has fully answered the warmest and utmost Hopes and Expectations of your loyal Subjects. 'Tis with the highest Gratitude we are thankful for the great and constant Regard your Majesty shews for the Lives and Fortunes of your good and loyal People ; and the more than paternal Tenderness for those whom the Laws of their Country (thought the best and mildest in the World) cannot keep within the Bounds of Duty to your Majesty, or their Fellow-Subjects. It is our sincere Wish, Great Sir, that a speedy and honourable End may be put to the Rebellion of your Majesty's Subjects in America; and we beg your Majesty to accept of our Assurances, that we will most cordially and cheerfully contribute Our Proportion, with your Majesty's other good Subjects, to enable your Majesty to bring that Event to pass, by such Measures as shall be thought most proper to be pursued by your Majesty's Wisdom, and the Advice of your Parliament ; and that we will be ready, at all Times, and on every Occasion, to manifest to the World our unshaken Loyalty to your Majesty. Rye, November 14, 1775, Freemen:-.



Transcribed by:

Michael Metcalfe.

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