London Gazette index entry detail

Publication details:

Publication date: 26 Aug 1783.

Issue: 12470.

Page: 4.



Person details:

Name: Thomas Moore.

Marital Status: Not given.

Occupation: Mariner.


Whitehall, August 30, 1783. WHereas, by an Inquisition taken the 20th Day of this instant August, before Chiswell Slade, Esq; Mayor and Coroner of the ancient Town of Rye, - Ketchley, otherwise called Laughing Dick, late of Ham-street, in the Parish of Orlestone, in the County of Kent, Mariner, Thomas Moore, late of Rye, in the County of Sussex, Mariner, and Edward Kyte, late of Dover, in the said County of Kent, Mariner, (together with divers others of the Crew of a Lugsail or Smugling Vessel, whose Names are at present unknown) stand charged with the wilful Murder of Henry Haddock, late Master or Commander of a Vessel called tbe Scourge, in the Service of His Majesty's Customs, the said Henry Haddock being, on the 19th Day of the said Month, on Board the said Vessel off Dongeness Point, in the said County of Kent, in order to intercept and make Seizure of any Goods that might be attempted to be run or put on Shore on that Part of the Coast, and in the Execution of such his Duty, certain Carriage and other Guns or Musquets were fired by the said - Ketchley, Thomas Moore, and Edward Kyte, and the Rest of the Crew belonging to the said Smugling Vessel, upon the said Vessel in the Service of His said Majesty's Customs, by one of which the said Henry Haddock was mortally wounded, and instantly died : His Majesty, for the better discovering and bringing to Justice the Persons concerned in the said Murder, is hereby pleased to promise His Most Gracious Pardon to any one of the said Offenders, who shall discover his Accomplices (except the said ——— Ketcbley; Thomas Moore, and Edward Kyte) so that Two or more of them may be apprehended and convicted of the said Offence. NORTH. And, as a further Encouragement, the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs do hereby promise a Reward of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS to any Person or Persons who shall apprehend and take, or cause to be apprehended and taken, the said Ketchley, Thomas Moore, and Edward Kyte, or either of them, to be paid by the Receiver-General of His Majesty*s Customs upon Conviction, and if in Consequence of such Discovery and Apprehending any One of more of the said Offenders shall be taken, tried and convicted of the said Offence, the Person making such Discovery, shall be entitled to the like Reward. Geo. Robinson, pro Secretary.



Transcribed by:

Michael Metcalfe.

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