London Gazette index entry detail

Publication details:

Publication date: 20 Feb 1787.

Issue: 12832.

Page: 94.



Person details:

Name: Peter R. Lahy.

Marital Status: Not given.

Occupation: Agent.


Whitehall, February 20, 1787. WHEREAS it has been humbly represented to the King, that in the Night of Wednesday last, the 14th Instant, the Steward's Office at Arundel Castle, in the County of Sussex, belonging to the Duke of Norfolk, was burglariously broke open and entered by some Person or Persons unknown: His Majesty, for the better discovering and bringing to Justice the Person or Persons concerned in the said Burglary, is hereby pleased to promise His most gracious Pardon to any one of the Persons concerned, who shall discover, his Accomplices therein, so that they or any of them may be apprehended and convicted thereof. SYDNEY. And, as a further Encouragement, a Reward of FIFTY GUINEAS is hereby offered to any Person making such Discovery as aforesaid, to be paid by me upon the Conviction of any one of the Offenders, over and above, any Reward allowed by Act of Parliament. Peter R. Lahy, Agent to his Grace the Duke of Norfolk,.



Transcribed by:

Michael Metcalfe.

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