London Gazette index entry detail

Publication details:

Publication date: 09 Apr 1841.

Issue: 19968.

Page: 956.



Person details:

Name: James Martin.

Marital Status: Not given.

Occupation: Solicitor.


NOTICE is hereby given, that Robert Noakes, of Westfield, in the county of Sussex, Farmer, hath by indenture, bearing date the 2d day of April 1841, transferred, and otherwise assured all his real and personal estate and effects whatsoever to Stephen Crisford the younger, of Westfield aforesaid, Miller; Spencer Crisford, of Sedlescomb, in the said county, Farmer; and William Catt, of Westfield, aforesaid, Farmer, upon trust, for the benefit of those of his (the said Robert Noakes) creditors who shall execute the said indenture, which is now lying at our office for that purpose ; and that such indenture was executed by the said, Robert Noakes, Stephen Crisford, Spencer Crisford, and: William Catt, on the said 2d day of April ; and the execution thereof witnessed by James Martin, of Battle, in the said county of Sussex, Solicitor. Every person having any legal; claim upon the estate of the said Robert Noakes is requested, forthwith to send in full particulars thereof to the said Stephen Crisford, Spencer Crisford, and William Catt; and to whom all persons indebted to the same estate are hereby required to pay their respective debts within one month from this date. — Battle, 5th April 1841. MARTIN, SONS, and YOUNG.



Transcribed by:

Michael Metcalfe.

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