London Gazette index entry detail

Publication details:

Publication date: 15 Mar 1850.

Issue: 21077.

Page: 33.



Person details:

Name: William Stedman.

Marital Status: Not given.

Occupation: Solicitor.


In Sussex. Eligible Farms and Estates, in the parishes of Cuckfield, Wivelsfield, residences in the town of Cuckfield, and cottages near the same, and at Horsham. MESSRS. SHUTTLE WORTH and Sons (with the consent and approbation of Nassau William Senior, Esq. one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery, will sell by auction, at the Mart in London, on Friday, April the 12tb, in several lots; The freehold and copyhold estates, late the property of Thomas George Waller, Esq. deceased, situate in the parishes of Cuckfield, Wivelsfield, and Horsham, in the county of Sussex, consisting of the freehold farm of Grassland, comprising 53 A. 311. 37 P. of arable, meadow, and woodland, with suitable agricultural buildings, and the rent charge in lieu of tithes of corn and grain, commanding a very picturesque situation near the summit of Rocks Hill, about five miles from the town of Cuckfield, and adjacent to Brookside, a favourite meet of the fox hounds, commanding extensive and beautiful prospects, and abounding with fine thriving oak timber; also Jarrett's farm, adjoining the above copyhold, of the manor of Cuckfield, containing 20A. 1R. 37 P. with adequate buildings, and the rent charge as aforesaid ; and Four enclosures of copyhold land, held of the manor of South Mailing, in the parish of Wivelsfield, called Common Ground, containing together fifteen acres of arable and woodland, handsomely timbered; likewise Two freehold and copyhold messuages, with gardens, adapted for the accommodation of respectable families, agreeably situate on the declivity of the Hill, in the respectable town of Cuckfield; A customary tenement and garden, about a mile from Cuckfield, on the road to Handscross; And, two freehold cottages with gardens, situate in Roughey, at Horsham. The whole (with the exception of one messuage in hand) in the occupation of yearly tenants, at low rents. May be viewed, with permission of the tenants, and particulars had in due time, at the said Master's chambers, Southampton-buildings, Chancery-lane; of Messrs. Henderson and Leach, Solicitors, No. 10, Lancaster-place, Strand, London; of Mr. A. R. Cocker, Solicitor, No. 11, Nassau-street, Soho; of Mr. Samuel Waller, Solicitor, Cuckfield; of Mr. William Stedman, Solicitor, Horsham; at the Talbot Inn, Cuckfield; and King's Head Inn, Horsham; at the Mart; and of Messrs. Shuttleworth and Sons, No. 28, Poultry, London.



Transcribed by:

Michael Metcalfe.

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