Directory: 1823 Pigot's Directory of Sussex.
Pages: 498 - 504.
Name: Brighthelmstone.
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William Acton, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Durrant Ade, Coachmaker of Brighthelmstone.
John Ade, Coachmaker of Brighthelmstone.
- Adnam, Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Ed. Akehurst, Glass, China & Earthenware Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Jno. Akehurst, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Akehurst, Tailor & Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Akehurst, Saddler & Harness Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Akhurst, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Alderton, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
John Allfree, Gents' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
James Allfrey, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
David Allison, Tobacconist of Brighthelmstone.
- Allwork, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Leopold Altenacker, Fancy Repositories For French Perfumery, Jewellery, &C of Brighthelmstone.
- Ambrosone, Fancy Repositories For French Perfumery, Jewellery, &C of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Anderson, Physician of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Andrew, Ginger Beer & Soda Water Manufacturer of Brighthelmstone.
Perry Andrews, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Charlotte Annan, Gents' Preparatory Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Matthew Argyle, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Arnold, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Arnold, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Atkinson, Miniature & Portrait Painter & Profilist of Brighthelmstone.
- Attree, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
H.R. Attree, Paper Hanger of Brighthelmstone.
H.R. Attree, Auctioneer of Brighthelmstone.
W. Attree, Wine Cooper, Waiter, &C. of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Attree, Wheelwright of Brighthelmstone.
George Awcock, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Aylen, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Anselm Bailey, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Ann Baker, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Eliz. Baker, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Baker, Music & Musical Instrument Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Alex. Baldey, Globe Fire Office Agent of Brighthelmstone.
Alexander Baldey, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Sarah Baldey, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Baldey, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Barnard, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Barnard, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
John Barnes, Corn & Flour Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
- Barnett, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Barnett, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Barns, Gunsmith of Brighthelmstone.
Michael Barns, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Barratt, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
George Barton, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Isaac Bass, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Bastick, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Matthew Batho, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
- Battcock & Co., Glass, China & Earthenware Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
- Battcock, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Batty, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Hy. Bayly, Dentist of Brighthelmstone.
- Bays & Co., Hatter of Brighthelmstone.
J.E. Bearman, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
John Beavington, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Josiah Beeching, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
H. Bellingham, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
T Benham & Son, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Benj. Bennett, Roman Cement & Plaster Of Paris Man. of Brighthelmstone.
Benjamin Bennett, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
John Bennett, Jeweller & Silversmith of Brighthelmstone.
- Benzzoni, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Best, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Richd. Bethell, Physician of Brighthelmstone.
John Bethune, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
John Betteridge, Perfumer & Haircutter of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Bettinson, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Edwd. Beves, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Jane Beves, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Charles Bew, Dentist of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Biddle, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
James Biddle, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Biggs, Corn & Flour Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Mary Binks, Ladies' Day Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Joseph Bird, Hatter of Brighthelmstone.
James Bish, Basket Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Nathaniel Bishop, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Sarah Bishop, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Blaber, Lath Renders of Brighthelmstone.
- Blaber, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
- Blaber, Timber Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Miss - Blackburn, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
- Blacklock, Chemist & Druggist of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Blacklock, Clothes Salesman of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Blacklock, Ginger Beer & Soda Water Manufacturer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Blackman, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Blair, Physician of Brighthelmstone.
- Blaker, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
Edwd. Blaker, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
John Blaker, Coachmaker of Brighthelmstone.
Richd. Bodilly, Tailor & Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Bodle, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Bolingbroke, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Bolingbroke, Prince Regent Hotel of Brighthelmstone.
Mesdames - Bontein, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Books, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Boon, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Boon, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Henry Boore, Law Stationer of Brighthelmstone.
Matthew Boorman, Furniture Brokers of Brighthelmstone.
John Booth, Brushmaker of Brighthelmstone.
- Borer, Banker of Brighthelmstone.
- Bowell, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
W. Bowell, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
- Bowen & Co., Ironmonger of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Bowman, Carver & Gilder of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Boxall, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Boxall, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Mary Boxhall, Unicorn of Brighthelmstone.
Fredk. Bradley, Library of Brighthelmstone.
John Bradley, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Jno. Bradshaw, Tailor & Draper of Brighthelmstone.
J Brattle, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
W Brattle, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Brayne, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Brayne, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Brayne, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Brewer, Chairmaker of Brighthelmstone.
Lawrence Brewster & Co., Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Bridger, Chemist & Druggist of Brighthelmstone.
Samuel Brierly, Gloucester Hotel of Brighthelmstone.
Sarah Briggs, Hatter of Brighthelmstone.
G.M. Brighty, Miniature & Portrait Painter & Profilist of Brighthelmstone.
R.N. Brinton, Fancy Repositories For French Perfumery, Jewellery, &C of Brighthelmstone.
John Bristow, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
- Brooker, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
E Brown, Artificial Flower & Feather Manufacturer of Brighthelmstone.
F Brown, Artificial Flower & Feather Manufacturer of Brighthelmstone.
John Brown, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
John Brown, Chemist & Druggist of Brighthelmstone.
Richd. Brown, Coachsmith of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Brown, Fruiterer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Brown, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
Frederick Browne, Dyer & Scourer of Brighthelmstone.
John Edw. Browne, Chemist & Druggist of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Browne, Brass & Iron Founder of Brighthelmstone.
J. Bruce, Engraver & Copperplate Printer of Brighthelmstone.
John Bruce, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Bryan, Glass, China & Earthenware Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Buckle, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Buckley, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Mrs - Buckman, Ladies' Academy of Brighthelmstone.
- Buckwell, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
E. Buckwell, Jeweller & Silversmith of Brighthelmstone.
Edwd. Buckwell, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Buckwell, Timber Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Budgen, Surveyor of Brighthelmstone.
Daniel Bundy, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Bunting, Richmond Arms of Brighthelmstone.
A.S. Burkitt, Chemist & Druggist of Brighthelmstone.
R Burnett & Co., Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Burrall, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Burton, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Burton, Corn & Flour Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Bushnell, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Butcher, Corn & Flour Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Butcher, Miller of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Butcher, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
- Butler, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
E. Butler, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Abigail Caffyn, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Benjamin Caffyn, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Gershon Caldwell, Clothes Salesman of Brighthelmstone.
- Campbell, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
Stephen Carly, Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
- Carpenter, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
- Carter, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
James Carter, Confectioner & Pastry Cook of Brighthelmstone.
Joseph Carter, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Carter, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Richd. Carter, Confectioner & Pastry Cook of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Carter, Corn & Flour Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Peter Caven, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
John Chalcroft, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
John Chalk, Lime Burner of Brighthelmstone.
John Chalk, Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Chalkley, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
E. Chamerovzow, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
John Chandler, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Richard Chandler, Brewer of Brighthelmstone.
Richd. Chandler, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Channon, Whitesmith & Bell Hanger of Brighthelmstone.
Charlotte Chanson, Toy &C. Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Chaplain, Tailor & Draper of Brighthelmstone.
- Chapman, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Chapman, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
J. Chapman, Blacksmith'S Arms of Brighthelmstone.
Jno. Chapman, Dolphin of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Chapman, Stone & Marble Mason of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Chapman, Brewer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Chapman, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
S. Chassereau, Basket Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Chatfield, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Edw. Chatfield, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
John Chatfield, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Walter Chatfield, Furniture Brokers of Brighthelmstone.
John cheeseman, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
John Cheeseman, Bricklayer of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Cheesman, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Jonathan Cheesman, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Cheesman, Glass, China & Earthenware Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Joseph Chittenden, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
John Chowne, Crown And Sceptre of Brighthelmstone.
Mrs - Churchill, Preparatory Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Clark, Chairmaker of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Clark, Turner of Brighthelmstone.
S. Clark, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Clark, Brunswick Arms Hotel of Brighthelmstone.
John Clements, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Clements, Engraver & Copperplate Printer of Brighthelmstone.
W.K. Clementson, Professor & Teacher of Brighthelmstone.
W. Ball Clifford, Architect & Surveyor of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Cobby, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Cobby, Basket Maker of Brighthelmstone.
James Cocksedge, Marine Hotel of Brighthelmstone.
Mesdames Cocksedge, Marine Hotel of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Coghlan, Umbrella & Parasol Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Harry Colbron, Timber Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Harry Colbron, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
- Coldbatch, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
George Cole, Bricklayer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Cole, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
T.W. Coleman, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
E. Collie, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Samuel Collier, Brazier & Tin Plate Worker of Brighthelmstone.
James Collins, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
John Collins, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Jno. Collyer, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Combe, Bookbinder of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Comlidge, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Mrs - Cook, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
John Cook, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
L. Cook, Stay & Corset Maker of Brighthelmstone.
W.F. Cook, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Cook, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Nathaniel Cooke, Professor & Teacher of Brighthelmstone.
Austin Cooms, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
- Cooper, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
- Cooper, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Isaac Cooper, Tailor & Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Mary Coppard, Stay & Corset Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Coppard, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
John Corbin, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
J. Cordwell, Professor & Teacher of Brighthelmstone.
Jos. Cordwell, Printseller & Repository Of Arts of Brighthelmstone.
Edw. Cornford, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Edw. Cornford, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Hy. Cornford, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Hen. Corpe, Gents' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Cott, Slater of Brighthelmstone.
James Cousens, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Cousens, Glass, China & Earthenware Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Couzens, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Cowley, Jolly Fisherman of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Cowley, Stay & Corset Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Richard Cox, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Coyfe, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
- Creasy & Co., Auctioneer of Brighthelmstone.
- Creasy & Co., Newspaper of Brighthelmstone.
Ann Cripps, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Cripps, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Cripps, Coachmaker of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Croft, Poulterer of Brighthelmstone.
- Crosweller, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
- Crosweller, Timber Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
- Crosweller & Co., Fire Office Agents of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Crosweller, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
Harriet Crouch, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Crunden, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Saml. Cruse, Glass, China & Earthenware Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
J. Cully, Brushmaker of Brighthelmstone.
Alex. Cummins, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Edwd. Curtis, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
John Curtis, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Cuthbert, Furniture Brokers of Brighthelmstone.
Jn. Cuthbirtson, Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
John Cutress, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Dancaster, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Dancaster, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
J. Daniels, Rising Sun of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Daniels, Poulterer of Brighthelmstone.
C. Dash, Artificial Flower & Feather Manufacturer of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Dash, Hatter of Brighthelmstone.
- Davies, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Davis, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
C. Davis, Optician of Brighthelmstone.
C. Davis, Agents, General of Brighthelmstone.
J. Davison, Sussex Arms of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. De Cothi, Professor & Teacher of Brighthelmstone.
Marian De Cothis, Professor & Teacher of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Dean, Saddler & Harness Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Mahomed Sake Deen, Bath of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Dempster, Gents' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Peter Dendy, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Thomas Dendy, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Valentine Denny, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Charles Deudney, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
John Dine, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Jos. Dinnadge, Poulterer of Brighthelmstone.
John Diplock, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
- Dix, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Dixon, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. S. Dixon, Lime Burner of Brighthelmstone.
John Donaldon, Library of Brighthelmstone.
John Donaldson, Bookseller, Binder & Stationer of Brighthelmstone.
Joseph Donne, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Josh. Donne, Fire Office Agents of Brighthelmstone.
Humphrey Downes, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Downs, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Dring, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Edwd. Dubbins, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Edw. Dudeney, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Dumbrell, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
James Dumbrell, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
John Dumbrell, Thatched House of Brighthelmstone.
Lucy Dumbrell, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
J. Dunford, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
Jesse Dunk, Corn & Flour Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Dunn, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
John Durrant, Ironmonger of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Dutton, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Nicholas Dyer, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Eales, King'S Head Hotel of Brighthelmstone.
John Easter, Dyer & Scourer of Brighthelmstone.
Charity Eastland, Clothes Salesman of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Eastwood, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
- Edge, Gas Fitter of Brighthelmstone.
- Edwards, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
George Edwards, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
John Edwards, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Edwards, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Chris. Elliott, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Elliott, Blacksmith of Brighthelmstone.
John Elliott, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Elliott, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Frederick Ellis, Cheesemonger of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Ellis, Shoe Warehouse of Brighthelmstone.
John Ellis, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Ellyatt, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
J. Elmes, Tierney Arms of Brighthelmstone.
- Evans, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Evans, Fruiterer of Brighthelmstone.
Richd. EynStone, Brazier & Tin Plate Worker of Brighthelmstone.
Richd. Eynstone, Whitesmith & Bell Hanger of Brighthelmstone.
J. Fabian, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. & Henry Faithfull, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
James Feist, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Feist, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
J. Felix, Fancy Repositories For French Perfumery, Jewellery, &C of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Fennell, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Andrew Fenner, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
F. Fernehough, Bath of Brighthelmstone.
George Field, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
John Field, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Joseph Field, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Field, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
James Filer, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Fisk, Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Fleet, Seven Stars of Brighthelmstone.
William Fleet, Newspaper of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Fleet, Printer (Letter Press) of Brighthelmstone.
John Fleetwood, Agents, General of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Fleming, Hatter of Brighthelmstone.
- Fletcher, Dentist of Brighthelmstone.
Charles Flint, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
John Foakes, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
F. & M.A. Foards, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
D.M. Folkard, Pawnbroker of Brighthelmstone.
Madame Folliau, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
John Foord, Coachmaker of Brighthelmstone.
John Forbes, Printer (Letter Press) of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Fowler, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
J.B. Fowles, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Edwd. Fox, Professor & Teacher of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Francis, Elephant And Castle of Brighthelmstone.
Saml. Francis, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Ts. Francis, King'S Arms of Brighthelmstone.
Ann Fraser, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
- Fratelli, Fancy Repositories For French Perfumery, Jewellery, &C of Brighthelmstone.
Ann Freeling, Curiosity & Picture Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Freeman, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Fricker, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
J. Frost, Golden Fleece of Brighthelmstone.
- Fuller & son, Currier & Leather Cutter of Brighthelmstone.
- Furner, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
Catherine Galbreath, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
John Gallard, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
John Gallaway, Brittania of Brighthelmstone.
- Gallup, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
James Gander, Corn & Flour Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Gandy, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
- Garbutt, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
Margaret Gardener, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
B. Garnham, Crown And Anchor of Brighthelmstone.
Joseph Garrett, Stone & Marble Mason of Brighthelmstone.
Benj. Gates, Tailor & Draper of Brighthelmstone.
James Gates, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Samuel Gates, Auctioneer of Brighthelmstone.
Richd. Gear, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Gearing, Turner of Brighthelmstone.
Edmund Gibbs, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
J.G. Gibney, Physician of Brighthelmstone.
J Gilbert, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
M Gilbert, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Gillam, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Gillburd, New Steine Hotel of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Gillburd, Bath of Brighthelmstone.
M. Gillman, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
W. Gillman, Artificial Flower & Feather Manufacturer of Brighthelmstone.
Jos. Girton, Bookseller, Binder & Stationer of Brighthelmstone.
- Glaisyer, Chemist & Druggist of Brighthelmstone.
Mary Gleeson, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Glenn, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
Isaac Goddard, Chairmaker of Brighthelmstone.
Isaac Goddard, Turner of Brighthelmstone.
Ann Godfrey, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Godfrey, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Mary Godfrey, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Goldson, Gents' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
- Goldspring, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
John Good, Perfumer & Haircutter of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Goodere, Clothes Salesman of Brighthelmstone.
- Goodwin & Co., London Porter Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
James Gorringe, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Abraham Gower, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Graham, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
Peter Grant, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Richd. Gravely, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
- Green, Ironmonger of Brighthelmstone.
- Green, Brass & Iron Founder of Brighthelmstone.
Edmund Green, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Greenin, Trunk Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Gregory, Chemist & Druggist of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Gregory, Tobacconist of Brighthelmstone.
Saml. Gregory, Reeve of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Gregory, Haberdasher of Brighthelmstone.
C. Griffin, Fishmonger of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Grimes, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Mrs - Grinsted, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Ann Grinyer, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Grinyer, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Grinyer, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Grinyer, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Grover, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Groves, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Maria Gunn, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Gunn, Fishmonger of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Gutteridge, Professor & Teacher of Brighthelmstone.
- Guy, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Guy, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
D,P. Hack, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
W Hack, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
- Haggett, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
- Hall, Banker of Brighthelmstone.
Charles Hall, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Morris Hall, Brewer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Hall, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Hallett, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Hallett, Auctioneer of Brighthelmstone.
- Halls, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Hamlin, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
C. Hammond, Thurlow Arms of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Hammond, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
Nathaniel Hancock, Cheesemonger of Brighthelmstone.
Nathnl. Hancock, Carver & Gilder of Brighthelmstone.
- Hannington, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
T. Harben, Brown Bear of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Hardy, Professor & Teacher of Brighthelmstone.
John Hargraves, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
George Harker, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Harker, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
John Harland, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Jonath. Harland, Oilman of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Harling, Gas Fitter of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Harling, Brazier & Tin Plate Worker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Harman, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Harmer, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Harmes, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Harms, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Caroline Harper, Stay & Corset Maker of Brighthelmstone.
John Harper, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Harper, Miniature & Portrait Painter & Profilist of Brighthelmstone.
Henrt Harrap, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
John Hart, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
John Hart, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
- Hartneil, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Peter Harvey, Tailor & Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Samuel Haynes, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Hearsey, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Mary Heasman, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Heath, Coachmaker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Heather, Brighton Packet of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Hebden, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
James Helme, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
George Hemsley, Coachmaker of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Hendy, Royal Oak of Brighthelmstone.
P. Hewitt, Star & Garter of Brighthelmstone.
Charles Hewlett, Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Hewlett, Auctioneer of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Hewlett, Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Hickman, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
John Hilder, Miller of Brighthelmstone.
- Hill, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
Mrs. - Hill, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
Ann Hill, Jeweller & Silversmith of Brighthelmstone.
Edwd. Hill, Paper Hanger of Brighthelmstone.
J. Hill, Jeweller & Silversmith of Brighthelmstone.
John Hill, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Sarah Hill, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Michael Hills, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
John Hilton, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Hine, Glass, China & Earthenware Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
George Hoather, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
John Hobden, Gents' Day Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Stephen Hodd, White Horse of Brighthelmstone.
Selina Hogg, Gents' Preparatory Academy of Brighthelmstone.
F.M. Holder, Custom House Collector of Brighthelmstone.
John Holder, Glass, China & Earthenware Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Holes, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Jno. Holford, Fire Office Agents of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Holl, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Holland, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Holland, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Daniel Holley, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Daniel Holley, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Hollingdale, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Hollingdale, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Hollins, Perfumer & Haircutter of Brighthelmstone.
Jno. Hollongham, Tailor & Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Joshua Holmes, Brass & Iron Founder of Brighthelmstone.
- Homewood, Oil & Italian Warehouse of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Hook, Toy &C. Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
- Hope & Co., Fire Office Agents of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Hope, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
Mrs - Hopwood, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Miss - Hopwood, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
John Horton, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Susannah Hother, Corn & Flour Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
H. Howell, New Ship Hotel of Brighthelmstone.
Adam Hubert, George of Brighthelmstone.
John Hudson, Poulterer of Brighthelmstone.
David Hughes, Poulterer of Brighthelmstone.
F. Humphrey, Fishmonger of Brighthelmstone.
M. Humphrey, Umbrella & Parasol Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Humphrey, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Benj. Hunt, Auctioneer of Brighthelmstone.
Benj. Hunt, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
john Hunt, Toy &C. Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Hunt, Trunk Maker of Brighthelmstone.
J. Hutchins, Chairmaker of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Iggelsden, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Inman, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Inman, Cheesemonger of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Inman, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Innocent, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
J. Ireland, Golden Cross Hotel of Brighthelmstone.
Michael Irish, Glass, China & Earthenware Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Isted, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Wm. Ivory, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
John Izard, Tunbridge Ware Manufacturer & Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
J.M. Jackson, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Jackson, Timber Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Samuel Janes, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Jefferies, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Mary Jeffery, Saddler & Harness Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Jeffrery, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
- Jeffrey, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Jenden, Saddler & Harness Maker of Brighthelmstone.
George Jenkin, Gunsmith of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Jenkins, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Jenner, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
- Johnson, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
Nicholas Johnson, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
W. & Co. Johnson, Currier & Leather Cutter of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Johnson, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Jolly, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
- Jones, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
John Jones, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
J. Josephs, Orange Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
P. Jupp, White Hart of Brighthelmstone.
John Kelly, Wire Worker of Brighthelmstone.
- Kemp, Chemist & Druggist of Brighthelmstone.
- Kemp, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
J. Kemp, Brewer'S Arms of Brighthelmstone.
Jn. Kemp, Gents' Day Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Kennard, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Kennard, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Kennett, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Richd. Kennett, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Kent, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Jacob King, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Ths. King, Library of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. King, Physician of Brighthelmstone.
J. Kirkchner, Professor & Teacher of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Knapton, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Mrs - Knell, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Knight, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Knight, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
A Lambert & Son, Stone & Marble Mason of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Lambert & Son, Stone & Marble Mason of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Lamin, Perfumer & Haircutter of Brighthelmstone.
Jonathan Lamprell, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Charles Lanaway, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
- Lane, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
- Lane, Currier & Leather Cutter of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Lane, Orange Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Jos. Langridge, Pawnbroker of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Lansdell, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
John Lansdell, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
John Lansdell, Carver & Gilder of Brighthelmstone.
- Lansell, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
W. Largent, Cork Cutter of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Largent, Academy of Brighthelmstone.
#VALUE! Lashmar & Co., Banker of Brighthelmstone.
John Lashmar, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Lashmar, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Lashmar & Son, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Mrs. - Lawton, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Jos. Leach, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Joseph Leach, Engraver & Copperplate Printer of Brighthelmstone.
H. Lee, Royal Sovereign of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Lee, Paper Hanger of Brighthelmstone.
James Legg, Tailor & Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Thomas Leggatt, Bricklayer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Leppard, Printer (Letter Press) of Brighthelmstone.
Hyam Lewis, Pawnbroker of Brighthelmstone.
Hyam Lewis, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
John Littlefield, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
D. Lloyd, Ship In Distress of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Lloyd, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Loder, Library of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Loder, Bookseller, Binder & Stationer of Brighthelmstone.
Isaac Lomas, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Long, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Long, King And Queen of Brighthelmstone.
Arthur Longhurst, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
M. Lonsdale, Dyer & Scourer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Loop, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Harrison Love, Dyer & Scourer of Brighthelmstone.
Geo.Lower, Henry Lower, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
James Lower, Cooper of Brighthelmstone.
Jesse & John Lower, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
John Lower, Brewer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Lower, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Lucombe, Bookseller, Binder & Stationer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Lucombe, Library of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Lulham, Umbrella & Parasol Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Lynn, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
John Maddocks, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Maiben, Saddler & Harness Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Mann, Riding Master of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Manser, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Saml. Mantell, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Jn. Marcelin, Professor & Teacher of Brighthelmstone.
John Marcelin, Fancy Repositories For French Perfumery, Jewellery, &C of Brighthelmstone.
J. Marchant, Professor & Teacher of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Marchant, Miller of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Marchant, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
S. Markwick, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
J. Marshall, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
J. Marshall, Feather Bed & Bedstead Man. of Brighthelmstone.
John Marshall, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
John Marshall, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
- Martin, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Martin, Saddler & Harness Maker of Brighthelmstone.
John Martin, Glass, China & Earthenware Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
John Martin, Tailor & Draper of Brighthelmstone.
John Martin, Hare And Hound of Brighthelmstone.
Sophia Martin, Child Bed Linen Warehouse of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Martin, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Martin, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
John Mascall, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Mascall, Cooper of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Mascall, Turner of Brighthelmstone.
Richd. Maskall, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Maxfield, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Maxfield, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
James May, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. May, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Jesse Maynard, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Chs. McDonnell, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. McKee, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
John Mead, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
George Meads, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
J. Mencke, Music & Musical Instrument Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
J.C. Mencke, Professor & Teacher of Brighthelmstone.
- Mercer, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
W.S. Merryweather, Newspaper of Brighthelmstone.
- Michell & Co., Banker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Midghell, Corn & Flour Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Richard Mighell, Currier & Leather Cutter of Brighthelmstone.
Fanny Mildred, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
Ann Miles, Fruiterer of Brighthelmstone.
Jesse Millan, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
John Miller, Coachsmith of Brighthelmstone.
J. Milles, Furniture Brokers of Brighthelmstone.
- Mills & Co., Banker of Brighthelmstone.
Edwd. Mills, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Mills, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
James Mills, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Mills, Wheelwright of Brighthelmstone.
- Mitchell, Lath Renders of Brighthelmstone.
Edwd. Mitchell, Fruiterer of Brighthelmstone.
R. Mitchell, Lime Burner of Brighthelmstone.
Sarah Mitchell, Ladies' Day Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Mitchell, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Mitchell, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Mitchener, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Mitton, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
James Mockford, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Mockford, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Mockford, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
J. Molineux, Bath of Brighthelmstone.
John Molineux, Cupper of Brighthelmstone.
Eliz. Monk, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
Le Roy Rose Monnet, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Moon, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
T. Moorey, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
John Moppett, Saddler & Harness Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Est. Moravian, Miscellaneous (For Sale Of Needlework) of Brighthelmstone.
Baptista Morganti, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Mary Morling, Free Butt of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Morling, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Morr, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
- Morrin, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Ann Morris, Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Sarjeant Witten Morris, Tunbridge Ware Manufacturer & Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Susan Morris, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Mosely, Tobacconist of Brighthelmstone.
Abraham Moses, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Ann Mower, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
John Munnion, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Mary Murray, Stay & Corset Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Myrtle, Hatter of Brighthelmstone.
John Myrtle, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Myrtle, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Neale, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Nevell, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
John Neville, Miniature & Portrait Painter & Profilist of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Newbery, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Newham & Co., Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
Sarah Newman, Gun of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Newman, Saddler & Harness Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Robert Newnham, Corn & Flour Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Newnham, Corn & Flour Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Eliz. Newton, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Nicholas, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Nicholson, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Nicholson, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Nightingale, Glover & Gaiter Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Norman, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Norman, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
L. Normanville, Artificial Flower & Feather Manufacturer of Brighthelmstone.
Miss - Norton, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Mrs - Norton, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Sergison Nott, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Nute, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
T. Nutley, Cooper of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Nye, Tailor & Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Oakes, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
John Ockenden, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Mrs - Orderson, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Joseph Packer, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Packham, Whitesmith & Bell Hanger of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Packham, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
- Paine, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
Robert Paine, Clothes Salesman of Brighthelmstone.
Susannah Paine, Bookseller, Binder & Stationer of Brighthelmstone.
- Palmer, Ironmonger of Brighthelmstone.
- Palmer, Brass & Iron Founder of Brighthelmstone.
- Palmer, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Palmer, Bookseller, Binder & Stationer of Brighthelmstone.
Richd. Palmer, Brewer of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Palmer, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Pannett, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
E. Paris, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
J. Paris, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Christopher Parker, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Lucas Parker, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Parker, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Phillip Parker, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Parker, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Miss - Parkes, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Joseph Parsons, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Pasco, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
- Patching, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
- Patching, Paper Hanger of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Patching & Co., Lime Burner of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Patching & Son, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Patching, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Pattenden, New Inn of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Paul, Bricklayer of Brighthelmstone.
R. Payne, Architect & Surveyor of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Payne, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Saml. Pearce, Stone & Marble Mason of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Peck, Riding Master of Brighthelmstone.
Joseph Peckham, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Robert Peirce, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Peircey, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Peircy, Furniture Brokers of Brighthelmstone.
Sarah Peircy, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Pelham, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Penfold, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Penfold, Corn & Flour Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Penn, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
D. Pentecost, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
- Perry & Co., Hosier & Glover of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Peters, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
John Peters, Oil & Italian Warehouse of Brighthelmstone.
Sussannah Peters, Lace Joiner & Repairer of Brighthelmstone.
- Pether, Piano Forte Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Mary Peto, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
John Philcox, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
George Phillips, Confectioner & Pastry Cook of Brighthelmstone.
John Phillips, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Phillips, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
J.B. Phillipson, Chemist & Druggist of Brighthelmstone.
Jno. Philp, Optician of Brighthelmstone.
John Philp, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Philps, Fellmonger, Leather Dresser, Breeches Maker & Glover of Brighthelmstone.
J. Phippen, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Phipps, Orange Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Emma Pickering, Professor & Teacher of Brighthelmstone.
John Pickstock, Glass, China & Earthenware Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Pierce, Toy &C. Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Pike, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Pilbean, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Pilford, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Walter Pitman, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
John Pitt, Tobacco Pipe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Pitt, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
J Pitten, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
T Pitten, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
J Pitter, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
T Pitter, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
J. Pledge, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
T.S. Plummer, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Pockney, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Pocock, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
J. Pocock, Boat Builder of Brighthelmstone.
J. Pocock, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Jn. Pocock, Royal Yacht of Brighthelmstone.
John Pocock, Fire Office Agents of Brighthelmstone.
Shadrach Pocock, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Pocock, Clothes Salesman of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Pocock, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Pocock, Calenderer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Pointing, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Theophilus Pollard, Brewer of Brighthelmstone.
James Ponne, Architect & Surveyor of Brighthelmstone.
John Porter, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
S. Postlethwaite, Artificial Flower & Feather Manufacturer of Brighthelmstone.
George Potter, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Miss - Powell, Academy of Brighthelmstone.
John Powell, Perfumer & Haircutter of Brighthelmstone.
John Powell, Glass Cutter of Brighthelmstone.
Phillip Powell, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Powell, Fruiterer of Brighthelmstone.
- Pratt, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Pratt, Perfumer & Haircutter of Brighthelmstone.
John Pratt, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Pratt, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Preece, Stone & Marble Mason of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Price, Physician of Brighthelmstone.
E. Price, King'S Head of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Prichard, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Prosser, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Pullen, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Puttick, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
A. Raine, Tobacconist of Brighthelmstone.
Jonathan Ramsden, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Randall, Wheelwright of Brighthelmstone.
John Randell, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Edward Ranger, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
W. Ranger, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Rapley, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Raward, Tailor & Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Rawley, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
James Read, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
John Reason, Vender Of Periodical Publications of Brighthelmstone.
John Redifer, Post Master of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Reed, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Reeve, Gardener'S Arms of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Reeves, Riding Master of Brighthelmstone.
Isaac Restell, Confectioner & Pastry Cook of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Revell, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
John Revell, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
R. Reynold, Plasterer of Brighthelmstone.
Js. Rice, Brighton Arms of Brighthelmstone.
E. Richardson, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Richardson, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Richardson, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Rickard, Gents' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Riddles, Furniture Brokers of Brighthelmstone.
Saml. Ridley, Paper Hanger of Brighthelmstone.
Saml. Ridley, Auctioneer of Brighthelmstone.
John Roberts, Carpenter'S Arms of Brighthelmstone.
Ebenezer Robins, Brewer of Brighthelmstone.
Ebenezer Robins, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
John Robinson, Perfumer & Haircutter of Brighthelmstone.
- Rogers, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Edwd. Rogers, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
John Rogers, Florist of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Rolf, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Roper, Currier & Leather Cutter of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Rose, Dyer & Scourer of Brighthelmstone.
Timothy Roser, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Timothy Roser, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
- Rossiter, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Routledge, Wire Worker of Brighthelmstone.
John Routledge, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Rowe, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Rowell, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
T.D. Ruddock, Fire Office Agents of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Ruddock, Printer (Letter Press) of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Ruff, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Ruffhead, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Rusbridge, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
- Russell, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Russell, Brazier & Tin Plate Worker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Ruxton, Saddler & Harness Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Sarel, Chemist & Druggist of Brighthelmstone.
- Saunder, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Saunders, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Saunders, Cooper of Brighthelmstone.
Hugh Saunders, Perfumer & Haircutter of Brighthelmstone.
Jno. Saunders, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
John Saunders, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Ths. & Jno. Saunders, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Saunders, Bookseller, Binder & Stationer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Saunders, Perfumer & Haircutter of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Saunders, Fire Office Agents of Brighthelmstone.
Edmd. Savage, Pavilion Hotel of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Savage, Brazier & Tin Plate Worker of Brighthelmstone.
G. Sawyer, Fire Office Agents of Brighthelmstone.
John Sawyer, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
John Sawyer, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Sawyer, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Rbt. Saxby, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Aaron Say, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
James Scholes, Hatter of Brighthelmstone.
C Scott, Professor & Teacher (Artists) of Brighthelmstone.
George Scott, Clothes Salesman of Brighthelmstone.
Jno. Scott, Half Moon of Brighthelmstone.
W Scott, Professor & Teacher (Artists) of Brighthelmstone.
John Scrase, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Scrase, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
- Seek, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Mrs - Serjeant, Gents' Preparatory Academy of Brighthelmstone.
- Sewell, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Sewell, Veterinary Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
John Shackelford jun., Confectioner & Pastry Cook of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Sharood, Coach & Horses of Brighthelmstone.
- Sharp, Currier & Leather Cutter of Brighthelmstone.
Isaac Sharp, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Isaac Sharp, Confectioner & Pastry Cook of Brighthelmstone.
Joseph Sharp, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Sharp & Co., Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
G. Shelloy, Running Horse of Brighthelmstone.
Ts. Shepherd, Jeweller & Silversmith of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Sheppard, Royal York Hotel of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Sheppard, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Sheppard, Tailor & Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Shotter, Auctioneer of Brighthelmstone.
Cornelius Shrivell, Bricklayer of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Shrivell, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
L. Shuckard, Old Ship Hotel of Brighthelmstone.
John Sickelmore, Horse & Groom of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Sickelmore, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Richd. Sicklemore jun., Printer (Letter Press) of Brighthelmstone.
C. Siller, Rose And Crown of Brighthelmstone.
F. Siller, Lace Joiner & Repairer of Brighthelmstone.
- Silvani, Fancy Repositories For French Perfumery, Jewellery, &C of Brighthelmstone.
Madame Silvani, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
J.M. Silverston, Jeweller & Silversmith of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Simmonds, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Simmons, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Saml. Simmons, Hatter of Brighthelmstone.
Fanny Simpson, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Siseley, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
A Skinner, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
A Skinner, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
M Skinner, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
S Skinner, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
Edw. Thos. Slater, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
John Slee, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Lewis Slight, Stay & Corset Maker of Brighthelmstone.
James Sloman, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Smith, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
- Smith, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
- Smith, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
- Smith, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Jn. Smith, Cricketers of Brighthelmstone.
John Smith, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
John Smith, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
John Smith, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
John Smith, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Jos. Smith, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
Matthew Smith, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Smith, Fruiterer of Brighthelmstone.
Saml. Smith, Confectioner & Pastry Cook of Brighthelmstone.
Sarah Smith, Toy &C. Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Simeon Smith, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Smith, Dorset Arms of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Smith, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Smith, Brass & Iron Founder of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Snachall, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Miss - Snelling, Gents' Preparatory Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Snelling, Saddler & Harness Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Solomon, Inspector Of Horse Duties of Brighthelmstone.
E. Sonch, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
M.A. Sonch, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Fred. Souch, Toy &C. Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
- Southon, Miller of Brighthelmstone.
- Southon, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Sparham, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
C. Spencer, Stay & Corset Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Chris. Spencer, Basket Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Chris. Spencer jun., Basket Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Spindler, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Spindler, Furniture Brokers of Brighthelmstone.
- Sprigge, Oil & Italian Warehouse of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Stainton, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Staples, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
David Steavens, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
John Stenning, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Stent, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
James Stent, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Sarah Stent, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Stent, Florist of Brighthelmstone.
- Stephens, Miller of Brighthelmstone.
- Stephens, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Eliz. Stevens, Stay & Corset Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Stevens, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Ts. Stocker, Gents' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
- Stone, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
- Stone, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Stone, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
- Stone, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
B.J. Stone, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Benj. Stone, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
John Stone, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Stone, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
George Strafford, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Stredwick, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Street, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
Edward Streeter, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Jonathan Streeter, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Saml. Strong, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Strong, Herbalist & Gardener of Brighthelmstone.
Sarah & Ann Strutt, Ready Made Linen Warehouse of Brighthelmstone.
F. Stubbs, White Swan of Brighthelmstone.
Samuel Stubley, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Sturgess, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Ann Sturt, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Geo. Suggers, City Of Hereford of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Sutton, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Swaine, Bookbinder of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Swan, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Stephen Swaysmand, Wheelwright of Brighthelmstone.
Stephen Swaysmand, Bird Fancier of Brighthelmstone.
Robert Swingler, Hatter of Brighthelmstone.
Miss H Swinley, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Eliz. Symmonds, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Matilda Symmonds, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
James Tabois, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
Eliz. Tamplin, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Tamplin, Brewer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Tamplin, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
John Tanner, Confectioner & Pastry Cook of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Tanner, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
- Tattam, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- Tayler & Co., Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
- Taylor, Chemist & Druggist of Brighthelmstone.
- Taylor, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Adam Taylor, Bricklayer of Brighthelmstone.
John Taylor, Miller of Brighthelmstone.
Susan Taylor, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Taylor, Clothes Salesman of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Terry, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
John Thomas, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Thomas Thomas, Glass, China & Earthenware Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Thomas Thomas, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
- Thompson, Stay & Corset Maker of Brighthelmstone.
John Thompson, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Thompson, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
John Thorn, Riding Master of Brighthelmstone.
M. Thornton, Lord Nelson of Brighthelmstone.
Carter Thunder, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
E. Thunder, Patent Rest Man. For Piano Fortes of Brighthelmstone.
- Thwaites, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
Jos. Ticehurst, Wellington Arms of Brighthelmstone.
Sir M Tierney, Physician of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Tilt, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
Mrs - Tolhurst, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Jane Tomsett, Fruiterer of Brighthelmstone.
- Touray, Surgeon of Brighthelmstone.
James Towner, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. & Co. Towner, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Townsend, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Train, Battle Of Waterloo of Brighthelmstone.
Anthony Trangmar, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Trangmar, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
John Trangmar, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
- Trevett, Gas Fitter of Brighthelmstone.
Daniel Tripe, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
E Trist, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
E Trist, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
John Trist, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Troubridge, Bookseller, Binder & Stationer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Tugwell, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Tullett, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
William Tully, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Francis Tunstall, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Benj. Tuppen, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
Benj. Tuppen, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Tuppen, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Tuppen, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
John Tuppen, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Rd. Tuppen, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Tuppen, Bookseller, Binder & Stationer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Tuppen, Library of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Turner, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Jane Turner, Coachmaker of Brighthelmstone.
Saml. Turner, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Upperton, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
John Upton, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Upton, Tunbridge Ware Manufacturer & Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Upton, Turner of Brighthelmstone.
Edmund Vallance, Brewer of Brighthelmstone.
Edmund Vallance, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Jno. Vallance, Brewer of Brighthelmstone.
John Vallance, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Robt. Vallance, Attorney of Brighthelmstone.
- Vanetti, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Miss - Venner, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Esau Verrall, Cooper of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Verrall, Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Verrall, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Vincent, White Lion of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Vine, Fancy Repositories For French Perfumery, Jewellery, &C of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Vine, Toy &C. Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Vine, Fire Office Agents of Brighthelmstone.
Charles Viner, Glass, China & Earthenware Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Viner, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
T. Waite, Crescent of Brighthelmstone.
Edwd. Walder, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
James Waller, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
John Wallis, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Wallis, Duke Of Wellington of Brighthelmstone.
P. Walton, Norfolk Hotel of Brighthelmstone.
Jas. Ward, Gents' Day Academy of Brighthelmstone.
John Ward, Window Blind Maker of Brighthelmstone.
James Waterer, Grocer & Dealer In Sundries of Brighthelmstone.
- Watson, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Thomas Watts, Brazier & Tin Plate Worker of Brighthelmstone.
Isaac Webb, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
John Webb, Fruiterer of Brighthelmstone.
Saml. Weller, Furniture Brokers of Brighthelmstone.
J Wells, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
- West, Banker of Brighthelmstone.
- West, Coal Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
- West, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
James West, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. West, Fire Office Agents of Brighthelmstone.
Elizabeth Weston, Furniture Brokers of Brighthelmstone.
James Weston, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Spencer Weston, Linen Draper of Brighthelmstone.
J. Weymark, Wheat Sheaf of Brighthelmstone.
Humphrey Wheeler, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
John Whitby, Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Harriet White, Patent Medicine Warehouse, Perfumer, &C. of Brighthelmstone.
Jeremiah Whitehead, Earthenware Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Jerh. Whitehouse, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
John Wiggins, Tailor of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Wigney & Sons, Brewer of Brighthelmstone.
Stanford & Vallance Wigneys, Banker of Brighthelmstone.
James Wilding, Cork Cutter of Brighthelmstone.
A. Wilds, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
A.H. Wilds, Architect & Surveyor of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Wilkins, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Willard, Millwright of Brighthelmstone.
- Williams & Co., Ironmonger of Brighthelmstone.
John Williams, Bath of Brighthelmstone.
Saml. Williams, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
W.B. Williams, Clothes Salesman of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Williams, Stone & Marble Mason of Brighthelmstone.
Mary Wilmot, Straw Hat Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Jos. Wilmshurst, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Joseph Wilmshurst, Jeweller & Silversmith of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Wilson, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
John Wilson, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Wingham, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Edwd. Wisden, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Simon Wisden, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
Simon jun. Wisden, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
Miss - Wisdom, Dress Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Catherine Wisdom, Milliner of Brighthelmstone.
- Witherington, Boot & Shoe Maker of Brighthelmstone.
James Witney, Glass, China & Earthenware Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Henry Wleer, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
- Wood, Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer of Brighthelmstone.
Benj. Wood, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Charles Wood, Hatter of Brighthelmstone.
G. Wood, Bath of Brighthelmstone.
James Wood, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
John Wood, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Stephen Wood, Builder of Brighthelmstone.
John Woods, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
David Woolf, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
John Worsley, Baker of Brighthelmstone.
Mary Wren, Dyer & Scourer of Brighthelmstone.
Chas. Wright, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
Martha Wright, Grocer & Tea Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
T. Wright, Greyhound of Brighthelmstone.
T. H. Wright, Professor & Teacher of Brighthelmstone.
T. H. Wright jun., Professor & Teacher of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Wright, Music & Musical Instrument Dealer of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Henry Wright, Library of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Henry Wright, Bookseller, Binder & Stationer of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Wright, Smith & Farrier of Brighthelmstone.
George Wyatt, Butcher of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Wyborn, Carpenter of Brighthelmstone.
Miss - Wychelo, Preparatory Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Philip Wymark, Watch & Clock Maker of Brighthelmstone.
Wm. Wymark, Painter, Plumber & Glazier of Brighthelmstone.
Miss Wynne, Ladies' Boarding Academy of Brighthelmstone.
Thos. Yates, Physician of Brighthelmstone.
- Yeates, Wine & Spirit Merchant of Brighthelmstone.
John Yeates, Fire Office Agents of Brighthelmstone.
The text for this section was transcribed by: Unknown.