Description Will of Thomas Lusher, Yeoman of Little Horsted, Sussex Date 31 December 1634 Catalogue reference PROB 11/166 Dept Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury Series Prerogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers Piece Name of Register: Seager Quire Numbers: 65 - 114 In the name of God Amen The fourteenth day of November in the yeare of our Lord God 1634 I Thomas Lusher of Little Horsted in the county of Sussex yeoman being of whole mind and in good and p[er]fect remembrance thanks be given to Allmightye God doe make and ordeyne this my present testament conteyninge herein my last will in manner and forme following, that is to saie
First I commend my soule unto Almightye God my maker and redeemer and my body to be buried with Christian buriall according to the discrecion of my Executors in the churchyard of Little Horsted aforesaid And for my worldly goods I doe give and bequeath them in manner and forme following
First I doe give and bequeath unto the poore of Little Horsted aforesaid the sume of tenn shillings And to the poor of the p[ar]ish of Ringmer in the said Countie of Sussex the summe of ten shillings to be paid and distributed by my executors to the poor of the said p[ar]ishes within one month next after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Lusher (sonne of Edward Lusher) my godson the sume of tenn pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto Edward Lusher aforesaid his father his executors or assignes by my executors within one year next after my decease The said Edward being one of my executors allowing the one halfe thereof
Item I give and bequeath unto Will[ia]m Lusher sonne of the said Edward the sume of five pounds of like lawfull money of England to be paid unto Edward his father as aforesaid
Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne John Lusher the sume of twentie pounds of like lawfull money of England to be paid unto him, his executors or assignes by my executors within one year next after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto Anne wife of Elias Putland my daughter the sume of twentie pounds of like lawfull money of England to be paid unto her, her executors or assignes at the discrecon of my Executors when and how they shall think fitt
Item I give and bequeath unto Anne Putland and Marie Putland her daughters the sume of tenn pounds of like lawfull money of England to be equallie divided between them (if one dye thother to be heire) To be paid unto them when they shall accomplishe their full age of Twentie and one years or daie of marriage which first that happen But if both of them happen to dye before the said daye or dayes of payment then I give and bequeath both the said legacies to them before given unto Anne their mother To be paid unto her, her Executors or assignes at the discrecon of my Executors when and how they shall thinke fitt
Item I give and bequeath unto William Lusher my sonne the some of fortie pounds of like lawfull money of England to be paid unto him, his executors or assignes by my Executors within six months next after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto Mary Lusher daughter of William Lusher aforesaid my goddaughter the sume of Twentie pounds And to Katheryn his daughter the sume of Tenn pounds to be paid unto them by my Executor when they shall accomplishe their full age of Twentie and One years or daie of marriage which first shall happen But my will and meaning is that my Executor shall pay the said legacies unto William their father within one year next after my decease he giving my Executors sufficient securitie for the discharge thereof
Item I give and bequeath unto Richard Lusher my sonne the summe of fiftie pounds of like lawfull money of England to be paid unto him, his Executors or assignes within one year next after my decease by my Executors
Item I give and bequeath unto the aforesaid Richard my sonne all that my Messuage or Tenement and Freehold lands whatsoever withall and singular the appurtenances which I lately purchased of one John Foord late of Berwicke in the countie of Sussex and situate lyinge and being within the p[ar]ish of Ringmer in the Countie aforesaid to him and his heires for ever after the decease of Cicely my nowe wife and not before which said messuage or tenement with thappurtenances I give and bequeath unto her the aforesaid Cicely my now wife during her naturall life she keeping the …….. sufficiently and making noe wast or …….. thereupon
Item I give and bequeath unto Jane the daughter of the said Richard the sume of Twentie pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto the said Richard within one year next after my decease by my Executors for the said sume when she shall accomplish her full age of one and Twentie years or daie of marriage which first shall happen he the said Richard giving sufficient securitie for the discharge thereof to my Executors
Item I give and bequeath unto Robert Lusher my youngest sonne the sume of fortie pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto him his executors or assignes by my Executors within six months next after my decease Also I give and bequeath unto him all my coppyhold lands whatsoever in Wellingham in the p[ar]ish of Ringmer aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor of Ringmer
Item I give and bequeath unto Mary Lusher daughter of my brother John Lusher my brother deceased the sume of fyve pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her by my Executor within one year next after my decease Also I give and bequeath unto Anne her sister the sume of Six pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her by my Executors when she shall accomplish her full age of Twentie and One years or daie of marriage which first shall happen
Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Fitzherbert daughter of Thomas Fitzherbert late of Ringmer aforesaid deceased the sume of five pounds of like lawfull money of England to be paid unto her by my Executor when she shall accomplish her full age of Twentie and One years or daie of marriage which first shall happen Provided allwaies that if she marry with Richard (blank) of Bentley nor his servant there Then my will and meaning is that she shall have nothing given her by my Executors and this legacie to be void.
Item I give and bequeath unto Mary Moon my servant twelve pence to be paid by my Executors ……..after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto Cicely my welbeloved wife two milch kyne the one which she claymes for her owne and thother young bullock with a red white …. and ….. …. And the keeping of them with my other beast untill the first of May next after my decease Also I give and bequeath unto her the said Cicely the sume of thirtie pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto her by my Executors within two months next after my decease and also my will and meaning is that if she goe away from the house wherin now I live then I give and bequeath unto her four bushells of my best wheate and eight bushells of my best malt and also six bayle of ruff flax and ten pound of Tyre and my will and meaning is that what bonds or other workings? shalbe found after my decease ………… from Lusher my sonne or Elias Putland my sonne in lawe shall be cancelled made void and of none effect ……. after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto Mary Lusher daughter of John Lusher my brothers sonne the sume of five pounds to be paid unto her by my Executors when she shall come to the full age of twentie and one years or daie of marriage which shall first happen
Item I give and bequeath unto Cicely my now wife all such houshold stuffe which was her owne when I marryed with her and my will and meaning is that all the rest of my houshold stuffe bedding and other houshold stuffe within doores shalbe equally divided and shared between my sonnes Edward, William, Richard, Stephen and Robert as for linen Brasse pewter chayrs tables hempe, flax and other houshold stuffe within doores
The residue of all my goods chattels and cattells whatsoever my funeral expense made my legacies p[er]formed and my debts being paid I give and bequeath unto Edward Lusher and Stephen Lusher my sonnes whom I make joynt Executors of this my last will and testament equally to be divided between them And my will and meaning is that my Executors shall not at any tyme after my decease take any forfeit of any bond whatsoever due to me
Item I doe constitute ordayne and make Thomas Norton of Ringmer yeoman and Thomas Turpin of Lewes Scrivenor the Supervisors of this my last will and testament desiring them and either of them and also give them full lib[er]tie and authoritie to see the same truly executed and p[er]formed according to my true meaning and my trust reposed in them In witness whereof to this my p[re]sent will being six sheets of paper I have subscribed my name and sett to my seale the daye and yeare first above written.
The mark of Thomas Lusher Sealed published declared and subscribed in the p[resen]ce of The marke of Nicholas Smith The marke of Mary Moone Tho Turpin sen
Probatum fuit testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram venerabili viro......... Wharton .... legum doctore Curia Prerogativo Cantuarensis ....... ........ ....... domini ....... legitimo constituto ultimo die mensis Decembris anno domini millesimo sexentesimo tricesimo quinto juramento Edwardi Lusher et Stephani Lusher filiorum naturalissimi et legitimorum dicti defuncti et executorum in huiusmodi testamento nominatorum Quibus commissa fuit administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum jurium et creditorum dicto defuncti de bene et fideliter administrando eadem Ad sancta dei evangelia coram magistro Thoma Russell ...... ....... Commissionis in ...... ....... .... Jurat My 9 x great grandfather Thomas Lussher, whose ancestors were from Surrey, was buried in Little Horsted on 20th November 1634. Thomas's wife Cicely mentioned in his will was his second (or third?) wife – Cicely White, widow whom he married in Glynde. I don't know if he actually married on this date or whether it is simply the date of the marriage licence : 10 November 1629
His former wife was buried in Little Horsted on 18 April 1629.
Perogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers.
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