In the name of God Amen the nyne and twentith day of March in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundredth twenty and six in the first yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of god king of England Scotland ffraunce and Ireland defender of the faith etc I William Delve of Little Horsted in the County of Sussex yeoman being sicke and weake in bodye but of good and perfect remembrance (praised bee allmightie god therefore) doe make and ordaine this my present testament and last will in manner and forme following (that is to say) ffirst and principally I commend my sowle into the handes of allmightie god my maker hopeing assuredly to be saved by and through the merits of my lord and saviour Jesus Christ And I commit my body to the earth from whence it came to be decently buried in christian burial
Item I give and bequeath unto the poore people of the parishe of Ringmer three poundes of lawfull English money to be paid and distributed amongst them within one month next after after my decease at the discretion of my Executrix and Overseers hereafter named. Item I give unto the poore people of the parishe of Bucksted ffortie shillinges of lawfull English money to be paid and distributed amongst them within two months next after my decease at the discretion of my executrix.
Item I give and bequeath unto ye poore people of the parishe of little Horsted where I now dwell twenty shillings of lawfull English money to be paid and distributed amongst them at the discretion of my Executrix within two months next after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto Jane Warnett daughter of William Warnett ffifteene poundes of lawfull English money twelve poundes whereof I borrowed of her, to be paid unto her by my Executrix within seven monthes next after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto Mary Bennett my sister wife of Nicholas Bennett fforty shillinges a yeare of lawfull english money dureing her naturall life to be paid unto her and her assignes halfe yerely at two usuall ffeastdaies or termes in the yeare vizt the ffeastdaies of St Michaell the Archangell, and the Annuntiation of the virgin Mary by equall portions by my executrix (or in her default (if she happen to die) by my Overseers hereafter named, and the first payment thereof to begin at the first ffeast of the said ffeastes that shall happen next after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto everieone of my godchildren two shillinges a pice of lawfull english money to be payd unto everieone of them by my executrix when either of them shall demande it.
Item I give and bequeath unto my godsonne William Delve sonne of William Delve of Burkham hill in Isfield tenn poundes of lawfull englishe money to be paid unto him at his age of one and twenty yeares by my executrix or ffeoffees in trust out of my landes (if my Executrix happen to dye before he cometh to age.
Item I give and bequeath unto [blank] Delve my unckle Robert Delve his daughter xx li of lawfull English money to be paid by my Executrix uppon demande.
The residue of all my moveable goodes, debtts and chattels not formerly given or bequeathed my debts and legasies being first paid and my funerall expences discharged. I give and bequeath unto Elenor Browne my sister the wife of Walter Browne of Dallington which sayd Elenor I doe make and ordaine sole Executrix of this my present testament and last will.
And I doe nominate & appointe and earnestly desire my loving freindes Magnus Byne gentleman and my brother John Pettitt to be my trusty supervisors and overseers of this my present testament and last will to see the same performed in all thinges according to my true meaneing.
And I will that my said Executrix shall pay and beare all such charges and expenses that they or anie of them shalbe at in travelling about the performance of this my will, And as touchinge and concerninge the disposition, devisinge and ordering of all my messuages, landes, tenements & hereditaments whatsoever aswell Coppyhold as free and the profitts thereof scittuate lying and being in the parishes of Ringmer, little Horsted and Buxted or in any of them in the County of Sussex aforesaid or elsewhere in the said County of Sussex, I dispose thereof and devise the same in manner and forme following
ffirst I will and bequeath out of my said lands and tenements and the profitts thereof unto [blank] Button alias Buddon twentie poundes of lawfull english money which my brother Nicholas Delve deceased owed unto him to be paid unto him by my said Executrix within one yeare next after my decease,
Item I will and bequeath unto Mathew Parker Thomas Godley of Lewis Richard Day the younger of Uckfield and to Alexander Alchorne all such principall summes of money as my said brother Nicholas Delve borrowed of either of them in his lifetime whereof they are not yet satisfied to be paid unto them by my executrix out of my said lands and tenements and the profitt thereof within three whole yeares next after my decease so as they doe deliver upp their severall bonds unto my said Executrix to be cancelled,
Item I give and bequeath unto [blank] Coulde of Laughton out of my said land and tenements and the profitts thereof, the principall summe of Twenty poundes of lawfull Englishe money to be payd unto him by my said Executrix within three yeares next after my decease. So as the said Coulde doe deliver upp his bond to be cancelled,
Item I will and my true intent and meaninge is that my said Executrix Elenor Browne shall have the use and occupacon and receive the rents and issues of all my freeholde lands and tenements lyeing and being at Skimme Corner in Ringmer aforesayd which are now in myne owne occupation untill such time as William Delve sonne of my brother Nicholas Delve shall accomplish his full age of seven and twenty yeares (if he so long live, But if he the said William die before the said age of xxvij tie yeares Then my said Executrix shall have take and receive the rents and issues thereof for and during the full terme of three and twenty yeares next after my decease, And shall have the use and occupacon and receive the rents issues and profitts of my Coppiehold landes and tenements called the Bonneyes conteyneing by estimacon xiiijteene acres more or lesse, and the acre in the Hide lying and being in Ringmeare aforesaid until such tyme as Nicholas Delve youngest sonne of my said brother Nicholas shall accomplishe his age of one and twenty yeares. But if my said brothers sonne Nicholas shall dye before he accomplish his said age of xxitie yeares, Then my said Executrix shall have the use and occupacon of my said coppyhold landes and receive the rentes and issues thereof for the tearme of twenty yeares next after my decease, And that my said Executrix shall likewise have and take the rents issues and profitts of all other my freehold messuages, and the freelandes thereunto belonging with their appurtenances scittuate and being at Ringmer Church and the Broyle gate in Ringmer aforesaid, untill the said Nicholas shall accomplishe his full age of xxvijtie years (if he shall live so long) But if he the said Nicholas shall die before the said age of xxvijtie yeares Then my said Executrix shall have the use and occupacon of my said freehold messuages and land with th’appurtenances last before menconed for the terme of xxvjtie yeares next after my decease, All of which said rents issues and profitts of my said lands tenements and hereditaments aforemenconed so by my said Executrix to be received, shall goe and be imployed towards the dischargeinge of my debtes, and paying of my legasies in this my will given and bequeathed.
Item I give & bequeath unto my sister Elinor Browne for terme of her naturall life all that my messuage with the Barne buildings land and tenements thereunto belonginge with all and singular their appartenances which I lately purchased of ffrancis Heasman and John fforde scittuate and lyeing in little Horsted aforesaid for and towards the dischargeing of my debtes and paying of my legacies and raisinge of porcons for the younger children of my said Executrix
And after her decease I will and bequeath the said messuage land and tenements with their appurtenances unto William Delve my said brother Nicholas his sonne for tearme of his naturall life, And after his decease to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten, and for default of such issue the remainder thereof unto Nicholas Delve his younger brother and his heires forever, Also I give and bequeath unto the said William Delve all my sayd lands and tenements with their apurtenances lyeing at Scymme Corner in Ringmer aforesaid, after he shall accomplish his full age of seven and twenty yeares, To have and to hold to him for terme of his naturall life, and after his decease unto the heires males of his body lawfully begotten, And for default of such issue the remainder thereof unto Nicholas Delve his brother and to his heires forever,
Item I give and bequeath unto the said Nicholas Delve my said brother Nicholas his sonne all my said Coppyholdlands called the Bonnies and the acre in the Hide with their appurtenances after he commeth to his age of xxjtie yeares To have and to hold to him and his heires forever according to the custome of the manor of Ringmer,
ffurthermore I give and bequeath unto William Browne son of Waulter Browne and my said sister Elenor my godsonne all my freehould messuage lands and tenements with all and singuler their appurtenances scittuatt and lyeng in Bucksted aforesaid To have and to hold to him and his heires forever, And I also give unto him the said William Browne all my coppiehould messuages land and tenements whatsoever scittuate lyinge and in Bucksted aforesaid with their appurtenances, To have and to hould to him and his heires forever according to the Custome of the mannor of fframfield, Provided Neverthelesse and my will and meaning is that my said Executrix shall have the use and occupacon and receyve and take upp the rents issues and profitts thereof untill the said
(at the bottom of this page is written : Examinatur per mie Gabrielem Lyon
William Browne shall accomplishe his full age of one and twenty yeares for and toward the payment of my debts and legacies and raisinge of porcons for her younger children Provided alwaies that my said Executrix shall repaire mainetaine and sustaine all the said messuages, lands, and tenements, and the inclosures thereof, withall needfull and necessary reparacons and make no wast or spoile in the woods or underwoods, growing or being upon the said tenements or anie of them.
Provided alwaies, and my further will and true meaning is, that if my said brother in lawe Waulter Browne happen to die, and the said Elinor his wife and my said sister to survive him, and shall marrie againe to the good likeinge of my ffeoffes in trust John Delve of fframfield, John Delve of Barcombe and James Snowe to whom I have surrendered my coppyhold landes to the uses and purposes in this my will menconed and expressed. This in writing contained in 3 sheetes of paper was shewed unto John Weckham :
Probatum fuit testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram magistro Willimo Meyricke legum doctore surrogato venerabilis viri domini Henrici Marten militis legum etiam doctoris Curie Prerogatuie Cant magir custodis sine commissarii legitime constitute duodecimo die mensis ffebruarij Anno domini millesimo sexcentesimo vicesimo octavo inpa curs----- et computacoem –d Anglicane et Juramento Ellenore Browne sororis dicti defuncti et Executricis in eodem testamento nominat cui Commmissa fuit administatio omnium et singulorum bonorum ------ et creditorum dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter administrando eadem ad sancta dei Evangelia Jurat
(In small print in the margin…)Decimo die mensis maij anno domini 1633 omanavit commissio Sackvilo Pope avunento Willmi Nicholi et Cirilio Delve liberi naturali et legitimi Nicholi Delve dum vixit fratris Willmi Delve ...... ....... ......etc ad administrando bonorum et .....dicti defuncti …...... Willmi Nicholi et Cirilio Delve de bene etc jurat
Perogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers.
Ringmer, Buxted, Dallington, Isfield, Uckfield, Laughton, Framfield.