London Gazette index entry detail

Publication details:

Publication date: 19 Feb 1791.

Issue: 13284.

Page: 116.



Person details:

Name: Thomas Tilt.

Marital Status: Not given.

Occupation: Wine-merchant, Tavern and Innkeeper.

Address: Castle Tavern, Brighthelmston.


Brighthelmston, February 11, 1791. THE Copartnership which lately subsisted under the Firm of Shergold, Tilt and Best, of Brighthelmston in the County of Sussex, Wine-merchants, Tavern and Innkeepers, was, on the 1st Day of January last, dissolved by mutual Consent. All Persons having any Demands on the said Partnership are desired immediately to send Accounts thereof to Thomas Tilt and Thomas Best, at the Castle Tavern, who will discharge the same, and who are authorized to receive all Debts due to the said Partnership. Witness our Hands, Samuel Shergold. Thomas Tilt. Thomas Best.



Transcribed by:

Michael Metcalfe.

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