London Gazette index entry detail

Publication details:

Publication date: 07 Mar 1795.

Issue: 13758.

Page: 225.



Person details:

Name: George Richardson.

Marital Status: Not given.

Occupation: Linen-Draper.


NOtice is hereby given, that the Copartnership which has some Years subsisted between George Richardson and William Lloyd, of Brighthelmston in the County of Sussex, Linen-Drapers, was, on the 9th Day of May, 1794, finally dissolved ; and since that Day the said Business has been and still is carried on by the said George Richardson and William Lloyd on their separate Accounts. Dated this 4th Day of March, 1795. Geo. Richardson. Wm. Lloyd.



Transcribed by:

Michael Metcalfe.

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